Salam My Dear Sis Simple,
I'd just say keep making du'a and most importantly b.e.l.i.e.v.e that Allah will send you that man. Your mind is a magnet ?
I know alot of young Arab guys who wants to get married. They are not where you live though

But my point is, I notice Arab guys are open to the idea of getting married, even if they are just students in another country. They won't mind being approached by a sister for a marriage idea. So look around, try asking your MSA, local masjid, etc.
Now, I know people always suggest imam. But... my husband gets asked many times by bachelor guys and girls who's looking to get married and he is not Imam. He is just a business owner. So... my suggestion is, try asking your local Arab businessman/businesswoman. If I'm not mistaken, there's Arab restaurants, Arab stores etc where you live so try asking them. Business people usually know alot of people from different walks of life. My hubby knows students, business owners, normal people, rich people etc lol........ I don't know how things work with Imams but the people my hubby knows are diverse. You'd be surprised many are not fussy. He helped an Arab guy married a local girl and the funny thing is the Arab guy don't know Malay and the Malay girl don't know arabic and both don't know English LOL but they have two kids already now mashaallah. He also helped another friend from Saudi marry a Korean convert, etc..... I guess business clients are more ... real? And laid back. So anyway, inshaallah you'll find alot of interested blokes.
Your only problem then would be which one to pick, lol. Inshaallah

If you can lower down your material expectations, it would make things simpler, too. For example... maybe when you just got married you will have to work, no car, no proper food etc because he is also a student.. or his job is not so impressive. But as per my own experience, things will turn out better as time goes by inshaallah.