As Salam Alleikum!
Thank you all for the translations...I am new here, I am Cindi, a Muslim who converted just about ten months ago. I am so happy to have found this boyfriend helps me out so much...but sometimes it is easier at times to talk to women on some things...that way I dont wear out his patience!
I am like some of the other english speaking converts boyfriend wants me to learn the prayers in arabic...and is sooo hard! I almost have the first one memorized....but speaking another language is very very very hard for me.
I have found that writing the words phonetically helps me...and i have to look at them frequently...or I tend to forget them....I find learning another language very stressful....but I know it must be done. I tease that by the time I die I will have learned all the required ones....

it seems to take so long.
I too have taken to pasting words around the helps me out that way. I know Allah will reward me for this....and I keep this in mind as I try to learn. I just wish I was better at the arabic language than I am.....

It is wonderful to meet you all...I have been reading alot of the posts here..very enjoyable!!! Hello to you all again!!