Sad Officials, is all I can say
Started by
, Jan 17 2008 02:02 PM
28 replies to this topic
#21 Guest_poise_*
Posted 18 January 2008 - 07:26 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum,
The issue is not her playing sports, she can run all she wants. The issue is her running in what is essentially a form-fitting bodysuit. Is hijab only about covering skin? In that case I could get a black leather catwoman suit and a scarf and be in proper hijab right? Covering one's form is important and if she is going to take a stand as a modest muslim woman who wants to participate in this sport, than she should do so as such, not in skin-tight clothing. Islamically, it is unacceptable, and that should be the end of it.
The issue is not her playing sports, she can run all she wants. The issue is her running in what is essentially a form-fitting bodysuit. Is hijab only about covering skin? In that case I could get a black leather catwoman suit and a scarf and be in proper hijab right? Covering one's form is important and if she is going to take a stand as a modest muslim woman who wants to participate in this sport, than she should do so as such, not in skin-tight clothing. Islamically, it is unacceptable, and that should be the end of it.
Posted 18 January 2008 - 07:51 PM
Assalaamu alaikum,
Actually, I played more sports when I was living in the west than when I moved to ME. In Muslim communities, sisters usually get together and they organize something like basketball, swimming, ice skating, etc. with no men around alhamdulilah.
I understand that living anywhere in the ME or Asia you can have all womens areas for playing sports ect. But when you live in the US, Canada, UK or any non-muslim country you do not have the option.
Actually, I played more sports when I was living in the west than when I moved to ME. In Muslim communities, sisters usually get together and they organize something like basketball, swimming, ice skating, etc. with no men around alhamdulilah.
Posted 18 January 2008 - 08:02 PM
Asalamu Alaykum,
Yup that's true. In the summer we rent out gyms for things like basketball, badminton, soccer, etc. Windows are taped up and we play comfortably.
Though, I do miss being on an *official* team. lol. ah well.
Yup that's true. In the summer we rent out gyms for things like basketball, badminton, soccer, etc. Windows are taped up and we play comfortably.
Though, I do miss being on an *official* team. lol. ah well.
Posted 18 January 2008 - 09:52 PM
assalamualaikum warahmatullaah
I too got to play sport when i was at university, and won 2 trophies and 4 medals
mashallaah. How? The sisters at my uni organised a netball team, gave ourselves a name and we played against other sisters from other local universities at the end of the academic year, a whole day tournament with screaming (female) siblings/friends/family backing us, banners, prizes, team kits (well colour coordinated at least) all strictly behind closed doors with any windows taped etc. We got quite good that even the official girls netball team played us (okay they beat us by far
) but still.
In that case I could get a black leather catwoman suit and a scarf and be in proper hijab right?

I too got to play sport when i was at university, and won 2 trophies and 4 medals

Edited by Umm_Z, 18 January 2008 - 09:56 PM.
Posted 18 January 2008 - 10:05 PM
Asalamu Alaykum,
Umm_Z what is netball? lol I thought only 'football' was different than here (aka soccer). Man you brits are creative with the names!
Umm_Z what is netball? lol I thought only 'football' was different than here (aka soccer). Man you brits are creative with the names!

Posted 18 January 2008 - 10:16 PM
Umm_Z what is netball? lol I thought only 'football' was different than here (aka soccer). Man you brits are creative with the names!

You canadians, get with it

Posted 18 January 2008 - 11:36 PM
Its women's basket-ball (or what they call basket ball in the USA). Its known as netball in the UK.
Its women's basket-ball (or what they call basket ball in the USA). Its known as netball in the UK.

Posted 19 January 2008 - 10:01 PM
As salaamu alaykim,
I agree with the other sisters that the uniform the young sister was running in is not islamically correct. I also understand what Sis Barbara is saying in regards to the sister's understanding of what hijab is. I dont think that the sister should be banned from the sport however, I think the real issue with this uniform are the colors used not so much the actual uniform over all. As a former track runner myself, the officicals are VERY picky when it comes to wearing your school's colors and school approved uniforms. There have been other girls that were disqualified from other matches by this same official because of their ponytail holders wear not their school colors. Which to me is very silly to say the least. I know from the article that the previous officials had not seen it as a problem over the last 3 years, those officials were not officiating that game. It is her coach and school responsiblity to make sure that her uniform was the appropiate color and approved prior to the start of the season. This way if she was disqualified for any other reason it would be clearly discrimination, instead of as it stands a clear violation of the actual policy. He coach and school failed her as it was theirs and her responsiblity to get things cleared up. Just my two cents
Nasra the new nurse
I agree with the other sisters that the uniform the young sister was running in is not islamically correct. I also understand what Sis Barbara is saying in regards to the sister's understanding of what hijab is. I dont think that the sister should be banned from the sport however, I think the real issue with this uniform are the colors used not so much the actual uniform over all. As a former track runner myself, the officicals are VERY picky when it comes to wearing your school's colors and school approved uniforms. There have been other girls that were disqualified from other matches by this same official because of their ponytail holders wear not their school colors. Which to me is very silly to say the least. I know from the article that the previous officials had not seen it as a problem over the last 3 years, those officials were not officiating that game. It is her coach and school responsiblity to make sure that her uniform was the appropiate color and approved prior to the start of the season. This way if she was disqualified for any other reason it would be clearly discrimination, instead of as it stands a clear violation of the actual policy. He coach and school failed her as it was theirs and her responsiblity to get things cleared up. Just my two cents
Nasra the new nurse
Posted 19 January 2008 - 10:31 PM
Assalaam alaikum,
I live in a non-Muslim country and there isn't any other option for us here, as Sister American Sis said. I live in Australia. We take our little one to the local pool(as I mentioned earlier) ice-skating, to the park etc. There are many muslims here that do this also because we have no other alternative at the moment. Its all good considering we currently don't have any other choice. But when we decide what extra-curricular activity we might put her into, here it will be a mixed team too. I guess its just one of those things, we don't have a choice. Just thought I'd add my bit in too.
I live in a non-Muslim country and there isn't any other option for us here, as Sister American Sis said. I live in Australia. We take our little one to the local pool(as I mentioned earlier) ice-skating, to the park etc. There are many muslims here that do this also because we have no other alternative at the moment. Its all good considering we currently don't have any other choice. But when we decide what extra-curricular activity we might put her into, here it will be a mixed team too. I guess its just one of those things, we don't have a choice. Just thought I'd add my bit in too.

Edited by Babydoll, 19 January 2008 - 10:36 PM.
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