Salam alaykom sisters,
Inshallah you're all in good health. I am looking for (non-annoying or depressing) wedding nasheed. Do
you have any suggestions. I love English as a spoken language, but for nasheed I find it a bit lame
somehow. So preferably in Arabic

2 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_Simple_*
Posted 08 December 2014 - 08:05 PM
Posted 09 December 2014 - 10:21 AM
wa alaykum assalam ukhti,
Again mabrooook <3 <3 <3
Some ok wedding nasheeds. Lol i had a hard time find good nasheeds. I think you should mix wedding nasheeds and just nasheeds with good meaning and rhythm.
This channel on youtube has a list of some wedding anasheed:
I prefer live anasheed. I wish I had this at my wedding. Live anasheed are thee best!
Here is one old live wedding Nasheed by Haani Muqbil, he is singing in a dialect i believe. "To marry us"
and this one by Haani Muqbil.
This one is also beautiful
There are also Abu Ali and Abu AbdulMalik they have some islamic nasheeds I will look for some wedding/happy nasheeds.
Again mabrooook <3 <3 <3
Some ok wedding nasheeds. Lol i had a hard time find good nasheeds. I think you should mix wedding nasheeds and just nasheeds with good meaning and rhythm.
This channel on youtube has a list of some wedding anasheed:
I prefer live anasheed. I wish I had this at my wedding. Live anasheed are thee best!
Here is one old live wedding Nasheed by Haani Muqbil, he is singing in a dialect i believe. "To marry us"
and this one by Haani Muqbil.
This one is also beautiful
There are also Abu Ali and Abu AbdulMalik they have some islamic nasheeds I will look for some wedding/happy nasheeds.
#3 Guest_Simple_*
Posted 13 December 2014 - 08:18 PM
Wa alaykom salaam,
Haha thank you very much. May your life all be barakah. I will check them out! It is so very hard, a lot say that it's nasheed but they have drums like those in bellydance songs lol. And some have children voices which is weird for a wedding to be honest.
Haha thank you very much. May your life all be barakah. I will check them out! It is so very hard, a lot say that it's nasheed but they have drums like those in bellydance songs lol. And some have children voices which is weird for a wedding to be honest.
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