Gonna dye my eyebrows
#21 Guest_Samiraaa_*
Posted 17 February 2008 - 10:21 AM
Posted 17 February 2008 - 02:37 PM
I dont think blonde eyebrows would show up much as its just a few that are being bleached? I had a teacher at school and she looked absolutely fine, until she leaned over my work once under the light and subhanallaah she had the thickest blonde tash ever! If you had that much hair to cover why not thread/wax/imaac it. Felt quite sorry for her!
Wish i had known about the vaseline thing earlier, a sister dyed my hair yday but it got too close to hairline So i had to go to a wedding looking like i'd been tango-ed Ive been scrubbing it all morning and alhamdulliaah it seems to be fading significantly from my parting/sides, a tad too late though!
Posted 17 February 2008 - 07:19 PM
I really wouldn't advise you to do it. because almost everytime I see someone with it, it just looks horrible. It really looks as if their eyebrow is two colors; half black/brown and half blonde. it is usually so obvious, sometimes even from a distance.
And if it is professional enough where you can't notice, it looks plucked, which to me does not look nice either. I think everyone looks beautiful in their natural eyebrows, subhanaAllah.
Posted 17 February 2008 - 08:08 PM
Honestly, in my opinion, dyed eyebrows looks really bad especially on dark-skinned people.
Besides, some scholars say dying is haraam because it gives the same look as plucked eyebrows. It sort of reminds of the people of Bani Israel and the Saturday story...they played games with the laws of Allah.
Posted 17 February 2008 - 10:12 PM
I too don't think you should do it. It looks really silly and needs high maintenance. You have to redo them every 1-2 weeks or else it will look really ugly.
Posted 17 February 2008 - 10:30 PM
you mean eyebrow tinting? if ur going for that i would get it done by a professional.
#27 Guest_Samiraaa_*
Posted 17 February 2008 - 10:48 PM
Posted 17 February 2008 - 10:54 PM
I think everyone looks beautiful in their natural eyebrows, subhanaAllah.
Ditto! Don't you believe Allah (swt) created everyone in the most beautiful way possible? Dying eyebrows to make them look a different shape or to hide something seems like you aren't happy with what Allah has blessed you with. Plus it may look kind of weird.
Posted 22 February 2008 - 10:50 PM
im kind of confused here.. i've always been told that we are not allowed to dye our eyebrows, as it is to beautify ourselves and it will give our face a different look, which then leads to althering Allah SWT creation.. Allahu A'lim if this is right.. but for now, i think i'll stay on the safe site and not do it, even though it's tempting..
Posted 22 February 2008 - 11:39 PM
I seen a lady who had this done, she was from libya, and i think she had been recently married so hers was done really well, but to me it looked very un natural looking and i thought she was nutz cuz from afar ok it looks ok, but anyone who comes close to u will be able to tell, making u look like a nutter with multi coloured eyebrows
no offense to anyone who does it this is just my opinion
i happen to be one of those ladies who will make an effort but i got my limits like for example i never ever waxed my forearms u should have seen the gasp of horror when i told a group of arab women this i think only lady nearly fainted
i like make up and creams but not every day
seriously think about this
however if u honestly have giant bushy manbrows then ok then do it do now asap lol
take care
Posted 27 February 2008 - 11:58 AM
ive got a fatwa that says its not allowed, because it looks as if u have plucked them, but it also says that some shaikhs have allowed it, and it says that if there is any matter in which some shaikhs say that its allowed and some say its not allowed, its better to leave it ..
i hope u understood what i mean because the fatwa is in arabic and im not so good at translation
Edited by Firdaus2007, 27 February 2008 - 12:04 PM.
Posted 27 February 2008 - 12:51 PM
Very good idea mashaAllah sis! Am gonna try it inshaAllah!!!!
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