Salaam aleikoum, Guten Tag, Hallo, Bonjour, Hola and Olá!
You might be wondering why I called you over here *Yeah you
* ... anyway I just wanted to say that I NEED you!
Well actually we need each other. You may deny it or think I'm lying, but we actually do need each other. Or else we wouldn't have this forum eh?
Now you might know that there is a Heaven Club and we all want to go to heaven now don't we. I'm not saying that you wont go if you don't join this club.
It's just that other girls/women and I need you here. It motivates you know. So please come and check everything out here once in a while. I would appreciate it and I hope we will all learn for each other insha'Allah. So please I need you 

Lots of love,