Posted 02 July 2012 - 07:50 PM
waalaykum assalam,
yes, I commented not to long ago about some issues with the English site, especially about the articles section not working. Some issues seem fixed now but now there are other errors happening! Before, I couldn't get to the list of articles on any of the topics. I can get to the list for some of the topics now but many still don't come up: "The Holy Quran" "Hadith and Sunnah" "Comparative religion" "poetry" "politics" "Misguided and deviant sects" "soul purification" and "Stories of the companions." Well actually, they do show up sometimes and sometimes they'll show up after hitting f5 to refresh the page, but there's no pattern or consistency. Of the lists I can get to, many of the articles don't show up. I'm not getting an error message like I was before, I'm just getting a blank content box. Also, the "breadcrumbs" don't always work but once again, there's no consistency with when they do work and when they don't.
Like I said before, I understand if limited resources doesn't allow for the site to be updated anymore but I do hope these bugs get fixed so we can keep it as reliable archived resources.