The Keys to the Life of the Heart
Started by
, May 29 2009 02:34 PM
6 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_Simple_*
Posted 29 May 2009 - 02:34 PM
Salaam aleikoum,
Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "The keys to the life of the heart lie in reflecting upon the Qur'aan, being humble before Allaah in secret, and leaving sins." [Haadee al-Arwaah ilaa Bilaad al-Afraah (p.45) of Ibn al-Qayyim.] Allaah, the Most High, said:
A Book which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may take heed. [Saad (38):29]
So Allaah informed us that He sent down this Great Qur'aan, blessed in its wording, meaning, commands, prohibitions and regulations. Amongst its blessings is that the one who recites even one word of it then he has a reward, and this reward is increased tenfold, as mentioned in the hadeeth reported by at-Tirmidhee, and at-Tirmidhee said that it is hasan saheeh. Also amongst its blessings is that the one who reads it and actts upon it shall not be misguided in this world, nor fall into distress and misery in the Hereafter as stated by Ibn Abbaas in the commentary to the verse,
Whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor fall into distress and misery. [Taa Haa (20):123]
Amongst its blessings is also that the one who learns it and teaches it is from the best of people as occurs in the hadeeth reported by al-Bukhaaree, "The best of you is the one who learns the Qur'aan and then teaches it." [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree Eng. Trans., 6/501 no.545]
Amonsgt its blessings is that it will be an intercessor on the Day of Judgement for its companions who used to act by it in this world as occurs in the two ahaadeeth reported by Muslim in his Saheeh. [Saheeh Muslim Eng. Trans. 2/385-385 no.1757, 1759]
He, the Exalted informed us that He revealed the Qur'aan so that its meanings, commands and prohibitions may be reflected over, such that if one were to come across a verse commanding something then he should follow it. If one were to come across a verse forbidding something then he should leave it. If one were to come across a verse concerning the Mercy of Allaah then he would hope for this Mercy and ask for it. If one were to come across a verse threatening with punishment then he would fear this and seek refuge with Allaah from it. If one were to come across a verse concerning the glorification of Allaah then he would glorify Allaah, and through this faith, knowledge, guidance and taqwaa will increase.
Allaah said while describing the believers,
And when His verses are recited unto them, they increase their faith. [Soorah al-Anfaal (8):2]
Due to their containing promises and threats that motivate hope and fear; and Allaah, the Most High, said,
Do they not ponder over the Qur'aan or are there locks upon their hearts? [Soorah Muhammad (47):24]
Amongst the ways of giving life to the heart is to be humble to Allah in secret. Meaning to desire and long for Allaah through supplication, seeking forgiveness, turning to Him, asking for victory, Paradise and shelter from Hellfire at the time when Allaah descends to the lowest Heaven in the last third of the night, as occurs in the authentic hadeeth,
"Our Lord descends tot he lowest heaven when a third of the night remains, saying: Who is supplicating to Me that I may answer him? Who is asking of Me that I may give him? Who is seeking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?" Reported by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.
This hadeeth contains encouragement to stand in the last part of the night, praying, supplicating, and asking for forgiveness, Paradise and safety from the Fire, and supplicating for good in this life and the Hereafter. Indeed Allaah has commanded us with supplication and promisd to reply, and He who is far removed from imperfection, does not break His promises. Amongst the times that this reply will be attained is the last part of the night, and this is a blessing that Allaah bestows upon whomsoever He wishes, and Allaah is the Possessor of great blessings and bounty.
And from the ways of giving life to the heart is to leave the sins that kill it, as in the hadeeth,
"When the servant performs a sin a black spot appears on his heart, and if he seeks forgiveness this black spot is removed, and if he returns to sin the black spot grows until his heart becomes black, and this is the 'Raan' about which Allaah spoke,
'Nay! But on their hearts is the covering of sins (raan) which they used to earn.'" [Sooraah al-Mutaffifeen (83):14] [Reported by an-Nasaa'ee and at-Tirmidhee who said it was hasan saheeh.]
The poet said, I saw the sins killing the hearts breeding ignominy due to their addiction And in the leaving of sins lies its life and it is best for your soul that you preserve it.
Posted 29 May 2009 - 06:08 PM
Asalam alekum wa rahamatullahi wa baraktuhu,
excellent! jazakallahu khairan for posting
ma'shallah, i loved his last quote:
reminds me of these quotes from Ibn Taymmiyah (from wikipedia):
* "Sins are like chains and locks preventing their perpetrator from roaming the vast garden of tawhid and reaping the fruits of righteous actions."
* "The one who is (truly) imprisoned is the one whose heart is imprisoned from Allah, and the captivated one is the one whose desires have enslaved him."
excellent! jazakallahu khairan for posting

The poet said, I saw the sins killing the hearts breeding ignominy due to their addiction And in the leaving of sins lies its life and it is best for your soul that you preserve it.
reminds me of these quotes from Ibn Taymmiyah (from wikipedia):
* "Sins are like chains and locks preventing their perpetrator from roaming the vast garden of tawhid and reaping the fruits of righteous actions."
* "The one who is (truly) imprisoned is the one whose heart is imprisoned from Allah, and the captivated one is the one whose desires have enslaved him."
Posted 29 May 2009 - 06:16 PM
i like this article alot!!!!!!
i like the last quote aswell and also this
Jazakallah for sharing
i like this article alot!!!!!!
i like the last quote aswell and also this
He, the Exalted informed us that He revealed the Qur'aan so that its meanings, commands and prohibitions may be reflected over, such that if one were to come across a verse commanding something then he should follow it. If one were to come across a verse forbidding something then he should leave it. If one were to come across a verse concerning the Mercy of Allaah then he would hope for this Mercy and ask for it. If one were to come across a verse threatening with punishment then he would fear this and seek refuge with Allaah from it. If one were to come across a verse concerning the glorification of Allaah then he would glorify Allaah, and through this faith, knowledge, guidance and taqwaa will increase.
Jazakallah for sharing
Posted 02 June 2009 - 07:49 PM
Asalamu Alikum warahmatu Allah
Jazaki Allah khair sister, very nice article.
Jazaki Allah khair sister, very nice article.
Posted 02 June 2009 - 11:30 PM
Assalamu Alaikum:
Jazakallahu Khairan!
Jazakallahu Khairan!
#6 Guest_Simple_*
Posted 03 June 2009 - 12:26 PM
Salaam aleikoum,
wa eyakoum.
wa eyakoum.

Posted 04 June 2009 - 09:22 AM
As Salamu Alaikum
Masha Allah a lovely post
Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing
Masha Allah a lovely post
Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing

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