Asalamu Alaikum
i just want to know how dangerous jealousy is for you and what you should do to prevent it
jazakallahu khairan

Started by
, Nov 09 2006 09:34 PM
3 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_naz14_*
Posted 09 November 2006 - 09:34 PM
Posted 10 November 2006 - 02:51 AM
As Salaamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh 
dear sister Naz, because this is such a broad question and even articles can help here, inshaAllah I am moving this to the Da'yah section where I hope you will get many replies.

dear sister Naz, because this is such a broad question and even articles can help here, inshaAllah I am moving this to the Da'yah section where I hope you will get many replies.

Posted 10 November 2006 - 04:23 AM
Assalamou aleikoum wa rhamatoullah wa barakatou,
I think one can always work on themselves and their self esteem.
But you did not say what kind of jealousy the person you are referring to is suffering?
Because there is envy. Which is a kind of jealousy, and you should be envious of those who are better than you in religion ( i have to look for the hadith.. or someone else ?
) this is a kind of good jealousy because it will push you to do things.
You have also the destructive jealousy. And sometimes, it pushes people to do and say things they regret, and worse, their jealousy can push people away from them.
Anyway, and this is only my humble opinion, I could be wrong, the kind of jealousy is destructive, because it stems from a lack of self confidence or insecurity. But I believe that once someone finds things that they are good at, things they enjoy doing, start to appreciate themselves and began to enjoy their own company, then the problem is nearly resolved.
of course, they are more types of jealousy than these and jealousy is such a complex feeling.
So sis, what kind of jealousy did you have in mind? and is the person aware that she/he is jealous ?
I think one can always work on themselves and their self esteem.
But you did not say what kind of jealousy the person you are referring to is suffering?
Because there is envy. Which is a kind of jealousy, and you should be envious of those who are better than you in religion ( i have to look for the hadith.. or someone else ?

You have also the destructive jealousy. And sometimes, it pushes people to do and say things they regret, and worse, their jealousy can push people away from them.
Anyway, and this is only my humble opinion, I could be wrong, the kind of jealousy is destructive, because it stems from a lack of self confidence or insecurity. But I believe that once someone finds things that they are good at, things they enjoy doing, start to appreciate themselves and began to enjoy their own company, then the problem is nearly resolved.
of course, they are more types of jealousy than these and jealousy is such a complex feeling.
So sis, what kind of jealousy did you have in mind? and is the person aware that she/he is jealous ?
Posted 10 November 2006 - 09:36 AM
Salam Alaikum,
lets see... how do i cope with envy...
i try to make dua after each prayer for Allah to rid me of worldly envy.
Also, each time i feel envious of someone, i pray to Allah to bless that person and to give me what is best for me and also make me content with what he has provided. Alhamdulillah so far, cos even though i know a lot of pple who have more than me, i am happy with what Allah has provided for me and i accept that everybody's path in life is different.
lets see... how do i cope with envy...
i try to make dua after each prayer for Allah to rid me of worldly envy.
Also, each time i feel envious of someone, i pray to Allah to bless that person and to give me what is best for me and also make me content with what he has provided. Alhamdulillah so far, cos even though i know a lot of pple who have more than me, i am happy with what Allah has provided for me and i accept that everybody's path in life is different.
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