>> >>The Story of Burseesah.
>> >>
>> >>There were three men from Bani Israel who were called to fight
>>for the sake of Allah. They accepted the call, but they had concerns
>> >>for their sister as she would be left behind with no-one to look
>> >>after her. After some discussion, they agreed that the best
>>place to leave her would be with the most trusted person in
This was a pious man called Burseesah, who lived in a sanctuary and
devoted his entire life in the worship of Allah. They came to
Burseesah and said to him, "O Burseesah. We know you to be a pious
and trustworthy man. We have been enlisted to fight for the sake
of Allah and we want to leave our sister with you. O Burseesah! We
trust no one else in town except you. Please take care of our
Burseesah immediately said, "AoothoBillah! (I seek refuge in
Get away from me! I have sworn to spend my time devoting it to
the worship of Allah! I do not want to deal with these issues and be
burdened with looking after someone"
>> >>
The three men said to him, "O Burseesah! We have no where else
to take her! We can't leave her with anyone else and we don't trust
>> >>anyone else. Please take care of our sister!"
Shaytaan heard the discussion, and came to Burseesah.
>> >>
>> >>"Burseesah..." The waswaas [evil whisperings] began. "Burseesah
>> >>you don't look after her, she might be left with someone who is
>> >>trustworthy! You have to take this responsibility"
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah listened and finally agreed to look after her. He told
>> >>the brothers to leave her in a separate house so not to distract
>> >>him from his acts of worship. They left her there, said goodbye
>> >>went to jihad.
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah would continue his acts of worship as normal, and
>> >>the day he would leave food on his doorstep so the woman would
>> >>to leave the house to collect the food. This also ensured they
>> >>never saw one another and Bursesah never even left his place of
>> >>worship.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Time passed by.
>> >>Shaytaan came to Burseesah.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>"Burseesah..." he whispered, "You can't leave the food on your
>> >>doorstep! As she is leaving the house someone might see her by
>> >>herself. All alone and venerable and take advantage of her.
>> >>than her leave her house, you go to her house and drop off the
>> >>on her doorstep."
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah made the decision that this was the right thing to do,
>> >>and followed the bait that Shaytaan masked in a cover of
>> >>righteousness.
>> >>So during the day Burseesah would leave his worship, leave his
>> >>place
>>of worship, go to the house and leave the food on her
>> >>doorstep.
>> >>
>> >>This happened for a while and with the trap just being set,
>> >>Shaytaan moved in for the next step.
>> >>
>> >>"Burseeeeesah..." the whispers came again. "Burseeesah...you are
>> >>now leaving the food on her doorstep, but still this is not
>> >>She still has to open the door and collect the food. Someone
>> >>still see her and she is so beautiful. She is VERY beautiful"
>> >>
>> >>This servant of Allah, who never saw this woman started to be
>> >>tempted by the whispers from Shaytaan about her beauty.
>> >>
>> >>"Burseesah, her beauty is intoxicating and if someone sees her
>> >>may try something. You have to leave the food INSIDE her house.
>> >>don't have to look at her. Just knock
>>on the door, and hand her the
>> >>food as she opens the door."
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah saw no harm in this. After all, it would stop people
>> >>seeing her. More deception covered in righteousness.
>> >>So again, Burseesah would leave his worship, leave his place of
>> >>worship, go to the house and knock on her door to hand her the
>> >>food.
>> >>
>> >>Time passed by again. Shaytaan remained patient before executing
>> >>his next plan.
>> >>
>> >>Shaytaan came again.
>> >>"Burseeesah...you can't leave this poor woman all alone. Without
>> >>any company. No one is speaking to her. She's lonely Burseesah.
>> >>Just talk to her. There's no harm in saying salaam and asking
>> >>she is. You can talk to her from behind the door...you don't
>> >>to see her...just talk
>>from outside."
>> >>
>> >>He liked the idea and when he would bring her the food he would
>> >>talk to her behind the door while she was in her room. They
>> >>talk for hours every day and the relationship began to get
>> >>stronger.
>> >>
>> >>Shaytaan found it easier and easier to drag him into the next
>> >>"Burseeesah.....Burseesah....you can't just sit behind the door.
>> >>You know each other well enough to be in the same room now. Just
>> >>sit in the same room and speak to her. You don't have to look at
>> >>her. Just sit in the same room."
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah began to follow the advice of Shaytaan. Everytime they
>> >>met, the talk became more intimate as they began getting
>> >>closer...and closer...and closer.
>> >>
>> >>...He would hold her
>> >>...The kiss came a few days later...
>> >>
>> >>Eventually...they made zinaa [fornication] with each other.
>> >>
>> >>"Ohh what have I done" Burseesah said as he realised his
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>--From being a slave of Allah...to becoming a fornicator.--
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>But the story did not end there.
>> >>
>> >>From that night, the woman became pregnant. Nine months later
>> >>delivered a baby boy.
>> >>
>> >>The familiar whispers started again as Shaytaan flowed through
>> >>Burseesah's veins like blood.
>> >>
>> >>"Burseeesaah...when her brothers come back and find out their
>> >>sister has a child in zinaa, you are going to be in trouble!
>> >>is only one way to solve this problem. Burseesah........you have
>> >>kill the baby! Get rid of the evidence!"
>> >>
>> >>Grief and anxiety ran through Burseesah's mind as he listened to
>> >>the whispers of Shaytaan. He did what he heard and killed the
>> >>
>> >>"Ohhhh Burseesah. Do you think this woman will keep this a
>> >>after you killed her own child?? Nooo. Burseesah.....the only
>> >>to do now is to kill her!"
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah then killed the woman and buried both mother and child
>> >>under the house and covered it with a rock.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>--From being a slave of Allah...to becoming a murderer.--
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>The three brothers returned and went to greet their sister. She
>> >>no where to be found. They went to the house of Burseesah and
>> >>him, "Where is our
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>"She has passed away" he said as he pointed to a fake grave.
>> >>The brothers were saddened by the loss, and made du'a for her.
>> >>
>> >>That night when they went to sleep, Shaytaan came to them in
>> >>dreams and told them all what had happened.
>> >>
>> >>"Burseesah has lied to you! Burseesah killed your sister!
>> >>made zinaa with her! She is buried under the rock inside the
>> >>house."
>> >>
>> >>As they all woke up in the morning, and talked about their
>> >>they began relating the same dream and thought there must be
>> >>truth in it.
>> >>
>> >>They first dug up the grave Burseesah pointed to and found no
>> >>They stormed to Burseesah's house and demanded to know what had
>> >>happened to their
>>sister. One of them saw the rock in the house and
>> >>uncovered it, where they saw their sister and her child.
>> >>
>> >>"What has happened to our sister?!" The eldest screamed. They
>> >>forced Burseesah to disclose the secret of what happened and
>> >>Burseesah told them everything.
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah was taken to court where he confessed everything to
>> >>King. The King sentenced Burseesah to be executed. As they
>> >>him to his death, fear overcame Burseesah.
>> >>
>> >>For the first time during this whole incident, Shaytaan appeared
>> >>before Burseesah and said to him, "Oh Burseesah! Listen! Look at
>> >>me! I was the one who was whispering to you since this whole
>> >>started! I am Shaytaan!"
>> >>
>> >>Burseesah's fear grew as the blade for his execution
>>was brought!
>> >>"Now I can get you out of all this trouble. I was the one who
>> >>you in it, and I can get you out of it!"
>> >>"Oh Shaytaan, what should I do?!" Burseesah cried!
>> >>
>> >>With an evil grin, Shaytaan said, "Make sujood to me. I am
>> >>and I will save you! Bow down and prostrate to me!"
>> >>Burseesah fell down in sujood to Shaytaan and as soon as he did
>> >>this, Shaytaan ran away!
>> >>.....and Burseesah was executed.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>--From being a servant of Allah, bowing down to Allah...to
>> >>a servant to Shaytaan...bowing down to Shaytaan. -
>> >>
>> >>-- From Imaan...to the worst type of kufr - bowing down to
>> >>Shaytaan! --
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Who could ever imagine a servant of Allah making sujood to
>> >>Shaytaan!?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Imagine if Shaytaan came to Burseesah at the beginning and said
>> >>"Burseesah make sujood to me", would Burseesah do it? NO!
>> >>
>> >>If Shaytaan came to Burseesah at the beginning and said "commit
>> >>zinaa", would he do it? NO!
>> >>
>> >>If Shaytaan came to Burseesah at the beginning and said "commit
>> >>murder", would he do? NO!
>> >>
>> >>But Shaytaan knows the game! He's been playing his tricks since
>> >>time of Adam. Classical method of misleading people. Through
>> >>by step deception. This is how Shaytaan pulls at your feet and
>> >>deceives you. So even if something may SEEM to be like an
>> >>insignificant sin / action, be careful. It might be the start of
>> >>trap.
>> >>
>> >>Allah tells
>> >>
>> >>"O you who believe! Do not follow the footsteps of the Shaytaan,
>> >>and whoever follows the footsteps of the Shaytaan, then surely
>> >>bids the doing of indecency and evil" [24.21]
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>www.alsunnah.co.uk
>> >

story of Burseesah
Started by
, Jan 15 2006 06:39 PM
2 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_naz14_*
Posted 15 January 2006 - 06:39 PM
Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:50 PM
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatu
SubhanAllah that was a powerful story and the message stood out well!
Jazaki Allahu khairan for posting that. :wink:
May Allah keep us strong against the temptations of Shaytan, ameen.

SubhanAllah that was a powerful story and the message stood out well!
Jazaki Allahu khairan for posting that. :wink:
May Allah keep us strong against the temptations of Shaytan, ameen.
Posted 09 February 2006 - 11:23 AM
in the name of allah the most merciful the most gracious
sallamu alakum
i heard of this story but i heard that the brothers went to hajj (i didn't know it was jihad). jizakallahu khayr for posting it. i did enjoy reading it
sallamu alakum
sallamu alakum
i heard of this story but i heard that the brothers went to hajj (i didn't know it was jihad). jizakallahu khayr for posting it. i did enjoy reading it
sallamu alakum
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