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Libyan pasta - M'baakibka

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#1 Guest_ummumaryam_*

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Posted 14 December 2006 - 07:07 PM

Assalaamu alaikum,

Sister Om Abdul Rahman, I have looked at your Libyan recipes you have been posting masha'Allah. I'm wondering if by any chance you have posted a recipe for M'baakibka; the pasta dish with chicken and probably chickpeas I think... ? I think there is also a rice version called Ruz M'bukbuk.

Umm Maryam

#2 Aisha


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Posted 14 December 2006 - 08:09 PM

As-Salaamu alaikum

Dear sister ummumaryam I have bumped up the one of the following topics which has a link to the other anyway inshaAllah :

Sis marshmallow's topic :anyone cook Libyian?

Sis Najjouha's topic: recipe for Libyan pasta needed!!

Let me know if you need any info on the recipes. Also sis Kamillah has posted in one of the threads at least - she also has knowledge of Libyan cooking mashaAllah smile.gif

WaSalaamu alaikum,

#3 Guest_ummumaryam_*

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Posted 15 December 2006 - 09:33 AM

Assalaamu alaikum,

Brilliant sister, jazakillahu khair. smile.gif I hoped it would be there somewhere and alhamdu Lillah it is!

Umm Maryam

#4 Aisha


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Posted 15 December 2006 - 09:37 PM

As-Salaamu alaikum

There is a sauce made from onions and chickpeas which accompanies Coucous, Macaroon m'bowkha (Steamed macaroni), steamed noodles (Reuchta) and it is known as 'tiglia'.

I think that maybe steamed macaroni is the Libyan recipe that I should post inshaAllah as there are a few variations to the recipe and it is very easy mashaAllah smile.gif

WaSalaamu alaikum,

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