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2 rakat forgetfulness

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#1 Guest_Amani S._*

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Posted 28 August 2004 - 01:44 PM

Assalamu alaikum...

When my blood sugar gets high...my brain literally turns to swiss cheese...I can't remember things...

I know in prayer that if you forget something (a verse or something similar) you must pray 2 rakat forgetfulness...but what if you mess up in the 2 rakat forgetfulness...do u pray 2 more?  I mean seriously I could keep having to do this for awhile if my sugar is really high.

If the forgetfulness is due to bad health...do u still pray the 2 rakat forgetfulness?

Edited to add...should prayer be avoided during the time when the sugar is high?  My understanding is that you should not pray if you are drunk or sleepy because you may ask for something you shouldn't...High sugar in some people make them act as if they are drunk...

Jazak Allahu Khair in advance

#2 Paradise_lover


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Posted 31 August 2004 - 01:08 PM

Salam alikom


Should prayer be avoided during time when the blood sugar level is very high and the person is having trouble with remembrance and concentration. If this person prays and then performs sujood al sahw but has trouble in it also, does she keep repeating it?. Noticing this is a condition that can continue for a time.

Jazakom Allaho Khairan

Al-Salâm `Alaykum wa Rahmah Allah wa Barakâtuh.

A person may postpone the prayer for a short period of time in order to pray in a better state. However, the prayer may not be postponed until after the prescribed time for that prayer has passed.

A person should pray within the prescribed time period, regardless of what state of health he is in.

Prayer may not be delayed from its time for any reason such as being impure. Everyone has to pray according to his condition. In case there is no water, the worshipper may use dirt to perform tayammum and pray on time. Anyone who had a sexual discharge and cannot find water or expect affliction if he uses water may also perform tayammum and pray. A naked person who cannot reach clothes may pray naked and not delay the prayer until he reaches his clothes. Likewise, if someone has on him a stain of something impure that he cannot remove on time may pray as he is. The patient should pray on time according to his condition.

This is similar to what the Prophet (peace be upon him) told `Umrân b. Husyn to do: “Pray while standing, if you cannot do so then pray while seated, if you cannot do so then pray on your side”.

It is consensus among scholars that it is better for the patient to pray while seated or on his side on time than to pray while standing after the elapse of the prayer time.

Fatwâ Department Research Committee of IslamToday.net chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî

#3 Guest_Amani S._*

Guest_Amani S._*
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Posted 31 August 2004 - 01:21 PM

Assalamu alaikum...

Jazak Allahu Khair...

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