Any help would be great. I am wondering if any of you sisters have experience with washing clothes not using a washing machine (ie in a tub, I guess) . It is just me and dh now, clothes wise, but he has a lot of nice work clothes as well as his thobes and such, jeans, i have my inside clothes and abayas, hijabs, niqabs. Basically, I have a washing machine and dryer which my parents gave us when they moved into a house that already had one but it is so broken down. It leaks water out the bottom and now the laundry room is growing large amounts of black mold and I am just afraid to go in there. At the same time, I still need to do laundry so I have been trying to makeshift put a pan underneath to catch the water (doesn't really work too well) and basically it is just getting worse on top of that. I keep a good house normally alhamdulilah but that room is the no-enter zone. Basically, I would like to chuck the washing machine and clean up the room (or call someone to kill the mold) but I don't know, how can I wash clothes just in the tub, what do use, do you find it works?
Edited by musaafirah, 16 January 2009 - 11:29 PM.