Colored Niqaabs
Started by
, Apr 10 2008 07:42 PM
9 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_poise_*
Posted 10 April 2008 - 07:42 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum,
I am hoping to buy some niqaabs in dark colors other than black inshaAllah and wanted to see your experience with these stores.
Islamic Boutique
I was thinking of buying abayas, hijabs and niqaabs from here.
specifically this one which is by Al Abrar which I think I heard sis lowri_mai mention as being good.
Al Hannah (but I ordered something from them way way back and the quality was not great)
for hijab, niqaab, and gloves.
specifically this, this, this, and this
BarakAllahu Feekuma.
I am hoping to buy some niqaabs in dark colors other than black inshaAllah and wanted to see your experience with these stores.
Islamic Boutique
I was thinking of buying abayas, hijabs and niqaabs from here.
specifically this one which is by Al Abrar which I think I heard sis lowri_mai mention as being good.
Al Hannah (but I ordered something from them way way back and the quality was not great)
for hijab, niqaab, and gloves.
specifically this, this, this, and this
BarakAllahu Feekuma.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 08:19 PM
Asalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah
well the first one by Al-Abrar I have that very same one; in chocolate brown though I am looking to purchase the navy also InshaAllaah. The little picture in the corner is of the actual box you get the niqab in. Out of all the egyptian niqabs the Al-Abrar ones are of far superior quality in comparison. The items from al-hannah I have not ordered them; the first niqab I think in the past a sister I know ordered them and said the fabric was not that breathable; but as for the overall quality I don't know. The second one; if I am not mistaken and with it being from Jordan it looks like they are Al-Karam niqabs. I bought one once but the backing fabric is a polycotton blend which is too closely woven and thus not breathable at all. The third one is almost definetely an Egyptian niqab judging by the eye mesh and the overall style; despite it being imported from Saudi; if you're going to go for that type though the Al-Abrar is far superior. The gloves I also believe to be imported from Egypt; the quality in the Egyptian gloves varies widely so I'd advise maybe ordering one pair; just to see if they are good or not.
well the first one by Al-Abrar I have that very same one; in chocolate brown though I am looking to purchase the navy also InshaAllaah. The little picture in the corner is of the actual box you get the niqab in. Out of all the egyptian niqabs the Al-Abrar ones are of far superior quality in comparison. The items from al-hannah I have not ordered them; the first niqab I think in the past a sister I know ordered them and said the fabric was not that breathable; but as for the overall quality I don't know. The second one; if I am not mistaken and with it being from Jordan it looks like they are Al-Karam niqabs. I bought one once but the backing fabric is a polycotton blend which is too closely woven and thus not breathable at all. The third one is almost definetely an Egyptian niqab judging by the eye mesh and the overall style; despite it being imported from Saudi; if you're going to go for that type though the Al-Abrar is far superior. The gloves I also believe to be imported from Egypt; the quality in the Egyptian gloves varies widely so I'd advise maybe ordering one pair; just to see if they are good or not.
#3 Guest_poise_*
Posted 10 April 2008 - 08:23 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum,
JazakhiAllahu khayr sis, I was leaning towards buying the al-abrar kind. I don't know if I have tried Egyptian niqaabs before? I got most of my good, breathable ones from my mil in Madinah, and I have one other which is also so nice and breathable from a friend of mine (the wife of a shaikh mashaAllah) but she is overseas now (and phone connection is not good, especially as she only knows arabic so its difficult to hear over the background noise). I am pretty certain it is either Egyptian or Saudi though.
Another question for you sis: do you know of any ebay stores that sell good quality, breathable colored niqabs? I am trying to put some dark colors into my wardrobe other than black but it means buying a few abayas, long shaylas, niqaabs, and gloves in colors.
JazakhiAllahu khayr sis, I was leaning towards buying the al-abrar kind. I don't know if I have tried Egyptian niqaabs before? I got most of my good, breathable ones from my mil in Madinah, and I have one other which is also so nice and breathable from a friend of mine (the wife of a shaikh mashaAllah) but she is overseas now (and phone connection is not good, especially as she only knows arabic so its difficult to hear over the background noise). I am pretty certain it is either Egyptian or Saudi though.
Another question for you sis: do you know of any ebay stores that sell good quality, breathable colored niqabs? I am trying to put some dark colors into my wardrobe other than black but it means buying a few abayas, long shaylas, niqaabs, and gloves in colors.
Edited by poise, 10 April 2008 - 08:28 PM.
Posted 10 April 2008 - 09:56 PM
Walaykum Asalaam
I know there is a store called 'crescent city egypt' who do Egyptian niqabs in various colours; I ordered other items from them in the past and the service is good; though the shipping they use from Egypt can be extremely slow (2 months is not unusual though I have been told it has taken as little as 2 weeks in other cases).
I know there is a store called 'crescent city egypt' who do Egyptian niqabs in various colours; I ordered other items from them in the past and the service is good; though the shipping they use from Egypt can be extremely slow (2 months is not unusual though I have been told it has taken as little as 2 weeks in other cases).
Posted 11 April 2008 - 07:51 PM
Assalamualaikum warahmatullaah
Sis poise i am also on a mission to inject some colour into my wardrobe inshallaah.
What sort of combinations do you have in mind? You see, i feel like if i buy a coloured niqaab I wont find a hijaab in the exact same colour. I got a dark plum coloured abaya recently but ive only worn it once! I think i need to colourfy my hijaabs more, im too comfy in black abayas- they hide wrinkles more
Sis poise i am also on a mission to inject some colour into my wardrobe inshallaah.
What sort of combinations do you have in mind? You see, i feel like if i buy a coloured niqaab I wont find a hijaab in the exact same colour. I got a dark plum coloured abaya recently but ive only worn it once! I think i need to colourfy my hijaabs more, im too comfy in black abayas- they hide wrinkles more

Edited by Umm_Z, 11 April 2008 - 08:01 PM.
Posted 11 April 2008 - 08:18 PM
I can personally vouch for the Al Abrar niqaab as it is now the only niqaab I wear. I have all the colors offered and they last for a long time, are breathable and well made. I also love the nose string as it keeps everything in place so much better then a niqaab without it.
I love IB's abayas too. They are well made and the colors match those of the Al Abrar niqaabs. A plus is that the abaya is made specifically for you so you won't have any length issues. Just add an inch or two to your height when ordering if you wear high heels on a regular basis. I always order each abaya with it's matching hijaab and it really eliminates the hassle of trying to find a hijab to go with it.
I can personally vouch for the Al Abrar niqaab as it is now the only niqaab I wear. I have all the colors offered and they last for a long time, are breathable and well made. I also love the nose string as it keeps everything in place so much better then a niqaab without it.
I love IB's abayas too. They are well made and the colors match those of the Al Abrar niqaabs. A plus is that the abaya is made specifically for you so you won't have any length issues. Just add an inch or two to your height when ordering if you wear high heels on a regular basis. I always order each abaya with it's matching hijaab and it really eliminates the hassle of trying to find a hijab to go with it.
Posted 12 April 2008 - 02:31 PM
I love IB's abayas too. They are well made and the colors match those of the Al Abrar niqaabs. A plus is that the abaya is made specifically for you so you won't have any length issues. Just add an inch or two to your height when ordering if you wear high heels on a regular basis. I always order each abaya with it's matching hijaab and it really eliminates the hassle of trying to find a hijab to go with it.
Salaamu 'alaikom,
Is the quality so much better as to be worth the shipping relative to more local sellers? (I assume it's basically the same shipping to Canada as to the U.S.?) I bought an abaya of theirs off of their ebay auctions recently because of the lowered price that way, but I haven't gotten it yet and even so it won't be tailored specifically to my size to be able to judge from that side of things.
I have several of their items bookmarked, but I really always cringe when I think of what the expense would be all together.
Posted 12 April 2008 - 05:42 PM
Salam alaikum,
I don't wear niqab, but I know this website sells lots of color choices for niqab/hijab sets:
Have you checked there? She has half face and full face sets.
I don't wear niqab, but I know this website sells lots of color choices for niqab/hijab sets:
Have you checked there? She has half face and full face sets.
#9 Guest_poise_*
Posted 14 April 2008 - 04:00 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum,
JazakhiAllahu Khayr for all of the help sisters.
Umm_Z, I am thinking dark blue, dark green/olive, grey, and brown. I like my all-black, but I do not like the little jumps of horror people tend to give when they turn around and see me
. Plus, some have told me that when you have pale skin (which I do), black can actually be very attractive even in niqaab. I still want dark, non-tabarruj, non-attractive colors but perhaps a bit different from black. Plus, I am going to uni, and I will be the only niqaabi there (and there is maybe 2 other niqaabis in the town I think, I don't know either of them, where I am moving) so I figured I would just lighten up a bit. And also, my husband is encouraging it as well (maybe he thinks I will get less comments, stares and insults? I have a short temper with that stuff so I know he is always waiting to see if I will say something when people are rude
). It will be hard though, even before niqaab I was the type to wear all black. One time I came to the masjid in an actual color (other than black or the rare brown or blue) and all of the people there were commenting and so surprised to see me in a color.
And I hear you about the wrinkles. I loathe ironing
JazakhiAllahu Khayr for all of the help sisters.
Umm_Z, I am thinking dark blue, dark green/olive, grey, and brown. I like my all-black, but I do not like the little jumps of horror people tend to give when they turn around and see me

And I hear you about the wrinkles. I loathe ironing

Posted 22 April 2008 - 11:27 AM
Asalamu Alaykum
Here is an excellent e-book for the sisters..................
Hope it is inspirational for hijaabis and motivation for us that already wear niqaab.
Here is an excellent e-book for the sisters..................
Hope it is inspirational for hijaabis and motivation for us that already wear niqaab.
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