Alsalam alikum warhmat Allah wabrakatoh
My dear sisters, may Allah keep us on the right path.
Sister, firstly I would like to thank Allah for allow me to be with you, may Allah rewards all of us the Fardows Alaala, from his mercy, AAmeen.
Secondly sisters, I am reading the topic for Sister sarah_anisah about what is stopping you. Allah accept from her, and ye-Jazzeiha Khyran. but in the same time, I wonder, if any one of you , got to a site or a good article , where has the same topic, but availabe for men, as I need to give it to someone, like to be muslim ( may allah open his chist , and remove from his heart of the fear his finding, and make him muslim), sisters, I think all sisters who become muslims do know this fear, and they passed this from the help of Allah by opening their chist to accept that allah is the only one who will guid us and by giving them good friends, and listening to good advice .
sister, may be i am not very clair to pass what i want to tell you, so , forgive me for that, but i knew that man has fear of many thing as he is got wife and kids, and I am not able to help him too much because I do fear about myself, (Allah protect us by telling us not to talk to men), and when i talk to him, i become very shy, which is really stop me. But in otherhand, I told want to leave him with at list print something for him, the one I knew it would help.
sister, I gave him books and cds do listen to, but non of them, hit the spot tell him, LOOK YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEAR, WHO CREATE YOU , WHO WILL LOOK AFTER YOU , AND PROTECT YOU.
I ask allah to light his way, and become muslim
your sister

I need your help
Started by
, Mar 10 2005 10:43 AM
5 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_amat_allah_2005_*
Posted 10 March 2005 - 10:43 AM
Posted 10 March 2005 - 08:57 PM
Salam Aleikum...
I know this one thing hits the spot for me...........
go to ...
and then chose the Nasheed called Last Breath.........This is very beautiful and one of my favorites...get him to watch it and read see the words of the nasheed and it is beautiful and VERY touching... let us know what happens...
Take Care,
I know this one thing hits the spot for me...........
go to ...
and then chose the Nasheed called Last Breath.........This is very beautiful and one of my favorites...get him to watch it and read see the words of the nasheed and it is beautiful and VERY touching... let us know what happens...
Take Care,
#3 Guest_amat_allah_2005_*
Posted 11 March 2005 - 09:53 AM
Walikum alsalam Warhmat Allah wabrakatoh
Jazzaki Allah khyran wa Baraka feeki ...sister Kasey, and Allah rewards you from his mercy. Insha-Allah I go to this side, but I want to thank you first.
Jazzaki Allah khyran wa Baraka feeki ...sister Kasey, and Allah rewards you from his mercy. Insha-Allah I go to this side, but I want to thank you first.
Posted 11 March 2005 - 09:03 PM
Assalamu Alaikum sister,
I am happy you found the thread about "Whats stopping you" beneficial.
Try the booklet I always recommend which is:
There is an excellent small booklet style book called "Breif illustrated guide to understanding Islam.
Here is what I found about it for you :arrow:
This introductory book on Islam serves as a good da'wah tool, explaining some of the fundamentals of Islam, as well signifying verses of the Qur'an and how they relate to science and the world around us.
The first chapter, Some Evidence for the Truth of Islam, answers some important questions which some people ask:
* Is the Quran truly the literal word of God, revealed by Him?
* Is Muhammad 1 truly a prophet sent by God?
* Is Islam truly a religion from God?
In this chapter, six kinds of evidence are mentioned:
1) The Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran: This section discusses (with illustrations) some recently discovered scientific facts mentioned in the Holy Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago.
2) The Great Challenge to Produce One Chapter Like the Chapters of the Holy Quran: In the Quran, God challenged all human beings to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the Quran. Ever since the Quran was revealed, fourteen centuries ago, until this day, no one has been able to meet this challenge, even though the smallest chapter in the Quran (Chapter 108) is only ten words.
3) Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of Muhammad , the Prophet of Islam: In this section, some of the Biblical prophecies on the advent of the Prophet Muhammad are discussed.
4) The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass: The Quran mentioned future events which later came to pass, for example, the victory of the Romans over the Persians.
5) Miracles Performed by the Prophet Muhammad : Many miracles were performed by the Prophet Muhammad . These miracles were witnessed by many people.
6) The Simple Life of Muhammad : This clearly indicates that Muhammad was not a false prophet who claimed prophethood to attain material gains, greatness, or power.
From these six kinds of evidence, we conclude that:
* The Quran must be the literal word of God, revealed by Him.
* Muhammad is truly a prophet sent by God.
* Islam is truly a religion from God.
If we would like to know if a religion is true or false, we should not depend on our emotions, feelings, or traditions. Rather, we should depend on our reason and intellect. When God sent the prophets, He supported them with miracles and evidence which proved that they were truly prophets sent by God and hence that the religion they came with is true.
The second chapter, Some Benefits of Islam, mentions some of the benefits that Islam provides for the individual, such as:
1) The Door to Eternal Paradise
2) Salvation from Hellfire
3) Real Happiness and Inner Peace
4) Forgiveness for All Previous Sins.
The third chapter, General Information on Islam, provides general information on Islam, corrects some misconceptions about it, and answers some commonly asked questions, such as:
* What does Islam say about terrorism?
* What is the status of women in Islam?
It can also be read online :arrow:
InshaAllah you can make plenty of duas for him. Is there not a brother who could maybe speak with him? It would save you from feeling nervous about giving this man dawah.
I am happy you found the thread about "Whats stopping you" beneficial.
Try the booklet I always recommend which is:
There is an excellent small booklet style book called "Breif illustrated guide to understanding Islam.
Here is what I found about it for you :arrow:
This introductory book on Islam serves as a good da'wah tool, explaining some of the fundamentals of Islam, as well signifying verses of the Qur'an and how they relate to science and the world around us.

The first chapter, Some Evidence for the Truth of Islam, answers some important questions which some people ask:
* Is the Quran truly the literal word of God, revealed by Him?
* Is Muhammad 1 truly a prophet sent by God?
* Is Islam truly a religion from God?
In this chapter, six kinds of evidence are mentioned:
1) The Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran: This section discusses (with illustrations) some recently discovered scientific facts mentioned in the Holy Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago.
2) The Great Challenge to Produce One Chapter Like the Chapters of the Holy Quran: In the Quran, God challenged all human beings to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the Quran. Ever since the Quran was revealed, fourteen centuries ago, until this day, no one has been able to meet this challenge, even though the smallest chapter in the Quran (Chapter 108) is only ten words.
3) Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of Muhammad , the Prophet of Islam: In this section, some of the Biblical prophecies on the advent of the Prophet Muhammad are discussed.
4) The Verses in the Quran That Mention Future Events Which Later Came to Pass: The Quran mentioned future events which later came to pass, for example, the victory of the Romans over the Persians.
5) Miracles Performed by the Prophet Muhammad : Many miracles were performed by the Prophet Muhammad . These miracles were witnessed by many people.
6) The Simple Life of Muhammad : This clearly indicates that Muhammad was not a false prophet who claimed prophethood to attain material gains, greatness, or power.
From these six kinds of evidence, we conclude that:
* The Quran must be the literal word of God, revealed by Him.
* Muhammad is truly a prophet sent by God.
* Islam is truly a religion from God.
If we would like to know if a religion is true or false, we should not depend on our emotions, feelings, or traditions. Rather, we should depend on our reason and intellect. When God sent the prophets, He supported them with miracles and evidence which proved that they were truly prophets sent by God and hence that the religion they came with is true.
The second chapter, Some Benefits of Islam, mentions some of the benefits that Islam provides for the individual, such as:
1) The Door to Eternal Paradise
2) Salvation from Hellfire
3) Real Happiness and Inner Peace
4) Forgiveness for All Previous Sins.
The third chapter, General Information on Islam, provides general information on Islam, corrects some misconceptions about it, and answers some commonly asked questions, such as:
* What does Islam say about terrorism?
* What is the status of women in Islam?
It can also be read online :arrow:
InshaAllah you can make plenty of duas for him. Is there not a brother who could maybe speak with him? It would save you from feeling nervous about giving this man dawah.
Posted 13 March 2005 - 10:33 AM
as salam alaikum dear sisters,
May ALLAH reward you sister, ameen.
That book mentioned is an EXCELLENT dawah book, masha'ALLAH. It is very well written and ver straight forward, masha'Allah. For any of the entry levels to ISLAM a very good suggestion, insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah you can get a copy of it where you are, insha'Allah. Of course as sis sarah said make dua'a...alot of dua'a for him.
Love and salam
May ALLAH reward you sister, ameen.
That book mentioned is an EXCELLENT dawah book, masha'ALLAH. It is very well written and ver straight forward, masha'Allah. For any of the entry levels to ISLAM a very good suggestion, insha'Allah.
Insha'Allah you can get a copy of it where you are, insha'Allah. Of course as sis sarah said make dua'a...alot of dua'a for him.
Love and salam
#6 Guest_amat_allah_2005_*
Posted 14 March 2005 - 01:37 PM
Walikum alsalam warhmat Allah wabrkatoh
jazzakum Allah khyran sister Sarah and sister UmBilal, and allah keep all of us on the right path, and insha Allah I buy this book.
Jazzakum Allah khyran.
jazzakum Allah khyran sister Sarah and sister UmBilal, and allah keep all of us on the right path, and insha Allah I buy this book.
Jazzakum Allah khyran.
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