Best English Translation of the Quran
#1 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 22 April 2008 - 10:12 PM
My mother asked me for a recommendation for the best translation in English of the Qur'an as she has decided to read the whole qur'an inshaallah. She is doing this for extra-credit, I believe, as she is taking classes at a University. I know that Hilali and Khan is the best translation, followed by Yusuf Ali, but I wanted to know what is the best to give to a non-Muslim, with pretty much no understanding of Islam at the moment in terms of daw'ah.
JazakhiAllahu Khayr.
Posted 23 April 2008 - 04:47 AM
I personally like Saheeh International's translation more than the Hilali /Khan.
It has less parantheses and brackets, but is accurate, insha' Allah, and clear.
They have English only versions too, if you prefer to give that out.
Posted 24 April 2008 - 01:36 AM
I agree; I think Saheeh International's version is the clearest without many dashes and parentheses. So for a non-Muslim, this is best I think. I have several copies at home and if you want I can mail a copy to you.

p.s. I like Hilali/Khan for deeper understanding because it has good footnotes/references at the bottom and some tafsir too.
Posted 24 April 2008 - 09:41 PM
I agree with the other sisters. I find the Saheeh International one flows better than the Hilali/Khan one. Personally, I read the Hilali/Khan translation as I like the extra information included in the brackets.
I wouldn't recommend the Yusuf Ali one so much and definitely not the one with all the footnotes as there are some rather strange things in there.
May Allah guide your mother and all our non-Muslim family members to Islam. Amin.
Posted 04 May 2008 - 07:09 PM
I also agree. saheeh international is the best commercially available english translation. its much better than muhsin khans translation. however there are personal translations not available commercialy and some of them are better than saheeh international. i know one personal translation by a syrian translator is soon to be made commercial. I recommend saheeh international, i have it in my house, and i use it. i would like a larger copy because the font size is too small in the print i have.
Posted 07 May 2008 - 03:53 PM
Posted 21 May 2008 - 06:02 PM
Salam Aleykum!
Dear Sisters,
i am having trouble finding the Holy Quran ( Saheeh International). I live in Budapest, i checked some bookshops, they dont have it, and they cannot order it for me:(
Does anyone have any idea how i could get it?
Thank you!
Posted 19 August 2008 - 04:48 AM
Is the Saheeh International version written in a more modern, clear english? I am personally having alot of difficulty understanding the translations I have, I do have Yusif Ali, but I often find myself confused and don't understand the translation...
Jazzakallahu khayr!
Posted 22 August 2008 - 03:27 PM
there are many online bookstores that deliver internationally and this is how you may obtain books that are not in your country.
Posted 28 August 2008 - 01:46 PM

I really like the version I have. I bought it before I reverted a couple of years ago so at the time, I was not Muslim. I found it easy to read and follow along.
It has the Arabic on one side and the English translation on the other side.
It is published by Noor Foundation International
ISBN: 0-9632067-0-2
The translators are Amatul Rahman Omar and Abdul Manna Omar.
*edit - just realized the first post was from earlier this year. Oh well.

Edited by Aleesa, 28 August 2008 - 01:46 PM.
Posted 09 September 2008 - 04:37 AM
Just to update... I recieved my copy of "English Translation of the Meaning of Al-Qur'an The Guidance for Mankind" translated by Muhammad Farooq-i-azam Malik (I ordered it from Amazon.ca)
It was done in 1997....
And so far it's excellent! There is a great deal of introductory material, and every Sura has an explanation of the history and in what situation it was revealed at the begining. It's not a "literal" translation like Yusuf Ali, its more explanatory with modern english.
And its huge! lol! I'm very happy and excited about it alhumdulillah.
So far I'd suggest it! I'll let you know if there is anything I find odd or mistakes, or any more comments!
Posted 18 March 2009 - 06:11 PM
Yes I totally agree that Saheeh International is one of the best English translation of the Meaning of The Holy Qur'an.
I have already read several different translations and I found this translation easier to understand Mashallah.
Edited by Yasmin, 18 March 2009 - 09:38 PM.
Posted 18 March 2009 - 06:21 PM
Salam Aleykum!
Dear Sisters,
i am having trouble finding the Holy Quran ( Saheeh International). I live in Budapest, i checked some bookshops, they dont have it, and they cannot order it for me:(
Does anyone have any idea how i could get it?
Thank you!
wa alaikum salam,
do you know if they have Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall's translation? do you think you can order saheeh international online sister? try inshaAllah.you might get it.
Posted 18 March 2009 - 06:22 PM
i think Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall's translation is the best for non muslims.personally i think saheeh international is the best and most accurate though.
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