Asalamu alaikum,
I am sorry for what happened to you, but know it was not the religion of islam that did not give you, your rights it was the man that you were married with that did not give you your rights. It was the people who you knew who did not treat you in the manners of islam as a sister in the religion of islam.
I came to learn so much from being hurt from people and someone very special to me open my eyes a very long time ago, They told me, Do not look at the people as your example of what islam should be, Look at the Prophet Muhammad's (peace and blessings be upon him) life, his sunnah as to how islam should be and how a muslim should be. My sister this help me to understand just because someone is Muslim it does not mean that they have the senerity and the manners of islam..this could be a great learning lesson for you and it may help you to be stronger in your deen. Pick up yourself and start to learn how did the Prophet live his life as a Muslim, Learn about tauheed and Insha-Allah things will be better for you insha-Allah. Take your time learn the names and attributes of Allah this helps to increase Emaan, spend time reading the stories of the Prophets in the Quran and spend time reading the stories of the companions of the Prophet..this also increases Emaan. I hope i have helped you in some way.

Pressures after reverting
Started by
Guest_Amani S._*
, Feb 03 2006 10:35 PM
27 replies to this topic
Posted 27 April 2006 - 08:32 AM
Posted 27 April 2006 - 10:22 AM
as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
While I think this is true, I think it also happens too that a new Muslim will pressure himself/herself into being a "perfect Muslim" quickly and can overwhelm themselves.
But yes, unfortunately, there are Muslims who pressure new Muslims into doing things quickly without letting them take time to breath.
fi aman Allah,
While I think this is true, I think it also happens too that a new Muslim will pressure himself/herself into being a "perfect Muslim" quickly and can overwhelm themselves.
But yes, unfortunately, there are Muslims who pressure new Muslims into doing things quickly without letting them take time to breath.
fi aman Allah,
#23 Guest_DJ_*
Posted 28 April 2006 - 08:41 PM
As Salaamu Alaikum,
Thank you to the sisters that answered my post. I have not left Islam
but am still reading the Quran and still doing my prayers. Other than
that I have shyed away for now. Thank you for having this forum to
let us speak when we are upset. Thanks to the ims too.
Fi Amanullah,
Thank you to the sisters that answered my post. I have not left Islam
but am still reading the Quran and still doing my prayers. Other than
that I have shyed away for now. Thank you for having this forum to
let us speak when we are upset. Thanks to the ims too.
Fi Amanullah,
Posted 29 April 2006 - 03:12 PM
Asalamu alaikum,
For a women it is not that important to go to the masjid, but you may find a good teacher who can help you learn to read Quran in Arabic and who can help you learn islam. I do think alot of information on islam can be obtained on this site. just sit and read some of the things the sisters have posted. If you have any questions feel free to pm me.
For a women it is not that important to go to the masjid, but you may find a good teacher who can help you learn to read Quran in Arabic and who can help you learn islam. I do think alot of information on islam can be obtained on this site. just sit and read some of the things the sisters have posted. If you have any questions feel free to pm me.
Posted 30 April 2006 - 01:23 PM
as salam alaikum dear sisters,
sister amani, subhan'Allah your situation shows such strength in you masha'ALlah. Remember sister everything happens for a reason sometimes we don't know why and we see it as a bad thing, but then later ALLAH gives us light on why something had to happen the way it did.
May ALLAH strengthen you and reward you for what you have endured, ameen.
You are absolutely right I couldn't agree with you is not the ISLAM that is hard or wrong it is the people who claim to be muslim that do and say the wrong thing and make things hard. May ALLAH guide us all, ameen.
Dear sister, keep turning to ALLAH, masha'Allah like you are doing reading Qur'an and offering your prayers, inshaALlah. KNOW that ALLAH is all knowing of your situation and will give to those who ask HIM with a sincere heart and free of sin and bringing no partners with HIM.
I really feel for you sister you are in our dua'a.
love and salam
sister amani, subhan'Allah your situation shows such strength in you masha'ALlah. Remember sister everything happens for a reason sometimes we don't know why and we see it as a bad thing, but then later ALLAH gives us light on why something had to happen the way it did.
May ALLAH strengthen you and reward you for what you have endured, ameen.
You are absolutely right I couldn't agree with you is not the ISLAM that is hard or wrong it is the people who claim to be muslim that do and say the wrong thing and make things hard. May ALLAH guide us all, ameen.
Dear sister, keep turning to ALLAH, masha'Allah like you are doing reading Qur'an and offering your prayers, inshaALlah. KNOW that ALLAH is all knowing of your situation and will give to those who ask HIM with a sincere heart and free of sin and bringing no partners with HIM.
I really feel for you sister you are in our dua'a.
love and salam
Posted 01 May 2006 - 06:57 AM
asalamu alaikum,
Insha-Allah as April said I think this might make you stronger..
Insha-Allah as April said I think this might make you stronger..
Edited by Sister Kamillah, 01 May 2006 - 07:01 AM.
#27 Guest_Amani S._*
Posted 01 October 2006 - 04:19 PM
Assalamu alaikum...
I've notice quite a few new reverts i thought i would bump this up...
I've notice quite a few new reverts i thought i would bump this up...
Posted 02 October 2006 - 09:45 AM
Assalamu Alaikum,
Bumping it up was a good idea! Gave me strength....i'm not 'new-new' but i am having many battles with myself - still part time hijab but am giving myself a break, trying not to be too hard, and focusing on 'everything else' so that inshaallah one day wearing hijab more often (eventually full time) won't be so much of an issue. Got a long way to go....but no-one becomes 'ideal muslimah' overnight!
Bumping it up was a good idea! Gave me strength....i'm not 'new-new' but i am having many battles with myself - still part time hijab but am giving myself a break, trying not to be too hard, and focusing on 'everything else' so that inshaallah one day wearing hijab more often (eventually full time) won't be so much of an issue. Got a long way to go....but no-one becomes 'ideal muslimah' overnight!
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