Hi... I'm a Christian woman, however, I find Muslim men to be very charming and interesting. I really like Muslim men. I was wondering if I could marry a Muslim man without converting to Islam? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Marrying a Muslim Man
Started by
, Dec 04 2005 03:47 AM
9 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_twoofhearts_*
Posted 04 December 2005 - 03:47 AM
Posted 04 December 2005 - 06:10 AM
Yes you can sis why not.

Yes you can sis why not.
Posted 04 December 2005 - 09:29 AM
asalamu alaikum,
If the Muslim man is full practicing it would be very difficult for a Christian women to be married to him. For the one thing that makes the cultural differences be in the background is the Sunnah and not being a muslim you can never understand in your heart and mind what this means to a Muslim. To understand a muslim man fully the women would also have to be muslim. The muslim man who is practicing will do dawah to Christian wife constantly in order to help her understand islam and to hopefully one day embrace islam. If she does not embrace Islam there will always the most important thing in this life missing in there relationship and that is Worshiping Allah (believing in his Oneness and not having partners with Him).
It is allowed for a Christian women to marry a muslim man but she must be chaste(not having boyfriends in the past/ sexual relations outside of marriage) and truly be a christian. If she is not chaste then it is forbidden to marry her even if she is christian.
also any children a muslim man and a Christian women have MUST BE RaISED MUSLIM for all children will follow the fathers religion. this must be known and agreed upon before the marriage in order to keep peace in the family.
If the Muslim man is full practicing it would be very difficult for a Christian women to be married to him. For the one thing that makes the cultural differences be in the background is the Sunnah and not being a muslim you can never understand in your heart and mind what this means to a Muslim. To understand a muslim man fully the women would also have to be muslim. The muslim man who is practicing will do dawah to Christian wife constantly in order to help her understand islam and to hopefully one day embrace islam. If she does not embrace Islam there will always the most important thing in this life missing in there relationship and that is Worshiping Allah (believing in his Oneness and not having partners with Him).
It is allowed for a Christian women to marry a muslim man but she must be chaste(not having boyfriends in the past/ sexual relations outside of marriage) and truly be a christian. If she is not chaste then it is forbidden to marry her even if she is christian.
also any children a muslim man and a Christian women have MUST BE RaISED MUSLIM for all children will follow the fathers religion. this must be known and agreed upon before the marriage in order to keep peace in the family.
Posted 05 December 2005 - 01:28 AM
Hi and welcome to this forum
I am very happy you like muslim men. What exactly attracts you about them( if I may ask)? Islam is beautiful when you practice it correctly, and you do become charming when you follow the good manners of Islam.
I wish you all the best and once again welcome!
I am very happy you like muslim men. What exactly attracts you about them( if I may ask)? Islam is beautiful when you practice it correctly, and you do become charming when you follow the good manners of Islam.
I wish you all the best and once again welcome!
Posted 05 December 2005 - 12:40 PM
Welcome to the forum twoofhearts
Yes a muslim man can marry a Christian woman.
What interests u in muslim men? it may very well be islamic manners and way of living that interests u! If you are interested in any of the following:
respect for women, being jealous in a good sense like not wanting their wife to show her body to everyone, chastity, honesty and truthfullness, having a strong connection with God, fearing God in everything they do... and many more good manners..
then u may ask the man u intend to marry if it is Islam that teaches and expects us to practice all those things.. just a thought
Welcome to the forum twoofhearts

Yes a muslim man can marry a Christian woman.
What interests u in muslim men? it may very well be islamic manners and way of living that interests u! If you are interested in any of the following:
respect for women, being jealous in a good sense like not wanting their wife to show her body to everyone, chastity, honesty and truthfullness, having a strong connection with God, fearing God in everything they do... and many more good manners..
then u may ask the man u intend to marry if it is Islam that teaches and expects us to practice all those things.. just a thought

Posted 05 December 2005 - 11:17 PM
Welcome to the forum!
I agree with the other sisters: what is it that makes you attracted to muslim men?
Welcome to the forum!

I agree with the other sisters: what is it that makes you attracted to muslim men?
Posted 06 December 2005 - 02:36 AM
Hi... I'm a Christian woman, however, I find Muslim men to be very charming and interesting. I really like Muslim men. I was wondering if I could marry a Muslim man without converting to Islam? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hello, Nice to have you on board here Sister

I Hope you are doing fine. Here are some wise Sister who can help you more than I can.
Take care. Have fun here and there is lots to learn about Islam!

Posted 06 December 2005 - 08:52 AM
hi.. it is nice to meet u... may i ask you something please.. do you know much about islam? if you are going to marry a muslim, i would suggest u try to learn as much as possible god wiling. take care
Posted 19 December 2005 - 09:46 AM
wow, to marry a muslim man when you are christian is a difficult decision to make sis, because have you thought about where you will be in five years with him? what if you guys have kids? do you want to raise them christian or muslim? because if he is practicing, i will put money on the fact that he wants to raise them muslim. is this okay with you? and how will you opperate your home? you can't have dogs in the house if he wants his prayers to be accepted, you can't have alcohol in the house, or drink it or be around it, no pork for him or the kids, and the issue of covering for the girls when they become a certain age, and the ethics for a boy. i mean, if you just like a man with good manners and a respectful attitude, then maybe you should find a christian man with that...unless you are thinking of becoming muslim yourself, which in that case, it would probably be in your benefit to marry him. but im just trying to bring out how difficult it would be to marry him if you are dedicated to your faith in complete entirety. sorry for all the spelling errors, its almost fajir time here and i haven't slept yet. baby made me a bit of a night owl. lol. ok sis, hope you are good and think about what i said. the sisters here have also given you good advice on the situation. good luck.
Posted 19 December 2005 - 09:31 PM
Yes, a muslim man can marry you. But I wanted to ask...are you interested in muslim men as in ''muslims'' or are you interested in muslims as in ''arabs''??? :wink: Is it the religion that attracts you or the customs ? Because they are totally different.
you have to think very carefully..as the other sisters have pointed out, it is not that easy. It is another way of thinking. I mean, how would you react if your muslim husband came one day, saying that he has or will take a second wife? this is something already hard on many muslimahs, so, how about a non muslimah ? How will you deal with hijab for your daughter?
Unless you want a non practicising muslim, in that case, it would not be really Islam, just imitation of your own customs...
On the other hand, I know a few sisters who were not muslimahs when they married, their religion here is irrelevant as long as they are not polytheists, and they lived in good harmony with their muslim husbands who were practicising, because the women understood that Islam should prevail over everything, even their own religion. Some said they would never convert, and the funny thing is that many of them converted after a few years, because they saw their husbands and children practising Islam and all its virtues and they liked what they saw...
so, never , never say never :wink: :wink: :wink: and always keep an open and tolerant mind when/if marrying a (good) muslim man. And never settle for less than that, because a good muslim who fears Allah and know the Quran and the Sunnah will never mistreat you.
take care

Yes, a muslim man can marry you. But I wanted to ask...are you interested in muslim men as in ''muslims'' or are you interested in muslims as in ''arabs''??? :wink: Is it the religion that attracts you or the customs ? Because they are totally different.
you have to think very carefully..as the other sisters have pointed out, it is not that easy. It is another way of thinking. I mean, how would you react if your muslim husband came one day, saying that he has or will take a second wife? this is something already hard on many muslimahs, so, how about a non muslimah ? How will you deal with hijab for your daughter?
Unless you want a non practicising muslim, in that case, it would not be really Islam, just imitation of your own customs...
On the other hand, I know a few sisters who were not muslimahs when they married, their religion here is irrelevant as long as they are not polytheists, and they lived in good harmony with their muslim husbands who were practicising, because the women understood that Islam should prevail over everything, even their own religion. Some said they would never convert, and the funny thing is that many of them converted after a few years, because they saw their husbands and children practising Islam and all its virtues and they liked what they saw...
so, never , never say never :wink: :wink: :wink: and always keep an open and tolerant mind when/if marrying a (good) muslim man. And never settle for less than that, because a good muslim who fears Allah and know the Quran and the Sunnah will never mistreat you.
take care


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