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A friend needing guidance

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#1 Guest_A'alia_*

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غير متواجدة

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Posted 21 January 2004 - 01:10 AM

                    As salamu aleiykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ,

I am a little nervous, this is my first posting.  I have searched for an answer for this topic for a while now, personally for me I know the answer (Alhamdulillah) but I don't know the right answer for my friend, I need your help sisters.  This is the situation:

My friend,  she has been very sick lately and is questioning Christianity.  She has told me that there are things in the bible and Christianity in general that she does not agree with.  She says that she only belives in one God, not the trinity, and when I read the Quran to her she agrees with what is says, she even has her own translation now.  She has memorized Al-fatiha and I have asked her to pray with me when she is not too sick (Subhaanallah).  I believe that she is very close to converting but she says that she is having one major obstacle that she needs to answer.  She is scared that if she belives in Allah (s.w.t.), Muhammad (saas) and the Quran that on the day of judgment if she is wrong and she was supposed to believe in the bible then she is scared of the out come.  She also says that there are things in the bible that she beliefs and there are things in the Quran that she believes and she doesn't know how to choose.  I also know that her family is very christan orianted and her grandfather is a retired pastor.  She is afraid to tell her family what she is thinking.  Is there anything that I can show her so that she can understands?

I worry that everyday that goes by that she is not muslimah is a day that she is missing out on an amazing life.  I do pray for her everyday and Inshalla her time will come too.

JazakAllahu khair

#2 muslimsister


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غير متواجدة

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Posted 21 January 2004 - 03:44 AM

                    Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh,
Welcome to the forum, sister.  
I suggest you get her some literature on the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, and maybe a small book on hadeeths, such as the 40 Nawawi or similar.  Once her love for Prophet Muhammed is there, she will realize that she is not giving up anything but instead completing what she already believes in.  
Another thing to give her is an article or book comparing the bible and Qur'an.  There are many mistakes and contradictions in the bible, and she probably is not aware of it.
Make du'a for her and encourage her to make dua' asking Allah for guidance with an open heart.  
May Allah guide her to the truth.  Ameen                    

#3 Sister Kamillah

Sister Kamillah

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غير متواجدة

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Posted 24 January 2004 - 05:35 AM

                    asalam alaikum,
Masha-Allah just a few more questions to be answered for your friend. please could you give her this article..I think it may help. Insha-Allah.
I think it may clarify things for her and Insha-Allah.

Surely, your Lord is Allah (10:3)

It is incredible how misunderstood the Arabic name Allah is. Many associate this name with a specific God Muslims worship.
Many who are not learned about Islam repeatedly affirm faith in God yet refuse to believe in Allah, thinking Allah is someone other than God. In order to clarify this point, a look at history and language is required, which I have over simplified for purposes of a focused discussion.

Everyone will agree that languages evolved. Words are spelt and pronounced differently in different languages. The English language has not always existed and the word God has not always been in existence. God has been recognised and invoked in the language prevalent at that time throughout man’s history.
The history of man dates back to Adam (as). Everybody has heard of Adam, past and present nations, irrespective of their religious doctrines, cultural influence, mother tongue, or their colouring of skin. Many who have heard about this man do not really believe in his existence while there are others who are convinced that he lived. Either way he is known. So many people of different backgrounds living in different times and places could not have all invented such a man. This is inconceivable. Adam is known because he existed. However Adam did not speak English, and did not call upon God with the name God. He called upon God with the name of God in his own language at that time, whatever that language might be. There is no divine scripture present today which can be traced back to Adam, nor are his statements recorded and hence we do not know which language he spoke. People may speculate but speculation is no substitute for the truth. Opinion is not proof.  We do not know the language of Adam but we know it wasn’t English and hence he did not call upon God by using the name God.  Subsequently generations after generations, his offspring, mankind spread and with this spread came the difference in their geographical location, colour of skin and tongue. Thus mankind began to communicate using different languages. The proof for this lies in the fact that there are diverse languages existent today. So from the sons of Adam, we have heard of the man called Noah (as). Many of us know the story of the ark. Again to some it is just a story while to others it is reality. Irrespective of this, mankind has heard of noah. Noah did not speak English and thus did not call upon God as God, but rather he used the name of god in his own language. Again, we have no scripture from his time nor his preserved statements so we do not know what language he spoke. Likewise with Abraham (as), he did not speak English so nobody can claim that Abraham called upon God with the name God. Again, there is no original scripture that dates back to his time, nor are his statements preserved in the original tongue he spoke. From the children of Abraham, were many prophets who spoke different languages whether Hebrew, Aramaic or Arabic. We know of Moses (as) and we know he was given the Torah in Hebrew. Although the original text of the Torah is not with us today, the language of Hebrew still remains, although scarcely used worldwide.  In Hebrew God is known as Eloha. Eloha is God.  Eloha is the name of God in Hebrew. So if the Jews mention Eloha then we know they are referring to God, and not some specific God. Eloha sounds similar to Allah as semitic languages have a common root with many similarities. Jesus (as) is also known to most of us but Jesus himself did not speak English. We do not know which language he spoke with certainty, although he was preaching to the jews and thus may have spoken Hebrew. Others claim he spoke Aramaic. Whichever language he spoke it wasn’t English, nor was he invoking God as God. He invoked the name of God in his own tongue. He brought a book called the Ingel which confirmed the torah but this book is no longer with us. Thus we can not trace his language accurately.  As for the countless versions of the bible, then they can not be traced back to him, nor to his language. Study will show that one can only trace them back to the greek bible. The greek bible is no substitute for the message jesus came with because it can not be traced back to him nor did he speak greek. He did not invoke God by the name of God in the greek language. Thus we do not know with certainty which tongue and dialect he used.  And from the children of Abraham was Muhammad (saw). He was an arab, preaching in his own tongue. Thus he did not speak English but invoked God by the name of God in his native language, in Arabic, another semitic language. And in Arabic God is Allah. He invoked God as Allah. The atheists, polytheist, christians, jews and others present during the time of Muhammad (saw), in his land spoke Arabic and understood Allah as God.  Allah is the name for The One True living God in Arabic. Thus Allah is God. When muslims call upon Allah, they are invoking none other than God. Thus Allah (swt) is not some specific God muslims worship. Allah is God.

The confusion has arisen due to the subsequent variations in Languages, and people have invoked God in their own language, yet all of them imply God by their intent, yet not in the tongue of their ancestors of old. Also, christians and jews do not speak the language of moses or jesus (as). They speak their own language of today, and the English speaking of them invoke God as God, although the jews may use Eloha. Thus, they are invoking The God of Adam, The God of Noah, The God of Abraham, The God of Moses, The God of Jesus and The God of Muhammad (saw). They are invoking God in their language. The Muslims on the other hand have the original Arabic Quran handed down from the time of Muhammad (saw) without loss of language nor text. It is preserved. Also the Arabic tongue is a living language which has spread into worldwide existence today. Thus the teachings are preserved including the Arabic statements made by prophet Muhammad (saw). Thus, for religious matters, Muslims retain the original language of Arabic because it is a language of revelation. It is a language in which the Quran was revealed from God just like other scriptures in different languages of before. However unlike previous languages of scriptures, Arabic has survived and is rampant. All Muslims can go back to the original Arabic Quran and in The Quran, God addresses Himself as Allah. Thus God calls himself Allah. Allah is His personal name which he disclosed through revelation in Arabic. There is no divine scripture, nor any prophet who used the word “god”. The word “god” is a translation, evolving from a previous language. God is Allah and Allah is God.        
(by Sister Kamillah)
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