Inshaallah one of you good sisters could help clarify this for me. Ok, I have always had some confusion over the 'covering face' on hajj thing. I hear a lot of people say you are just supposed to uncover however I have found this view:
Some women mistakenly believe that it is permissible for them in the state of Ihraam to uncover their faces before non-Mahram men. This is erroneous, for it is, instead, obligatory to veil the face. This is substantiated by the following proofs:
* Faatimah bint Al-Munthir, may Allaah have mercy upon her, recounted: "We used to cover our faces when we were in the state of Ihraam with Asmaa’ bint Abu Bakr."[Maalik, Saheeh]
* Asmaa’ bint Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with her, herself, mentions:"We used to cover our faces [in Hajj] in front of [non-related] men. We also used to comb our hair when we were in Ihraam."[Al-Haakim and Ath-Thahabi, Saheeh –Al-Albaani]
* It was narrated by ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, that she said: "The woman in a state of Ihraam is permitted to wear whatever types of clothes she wants, unless it is scented with Wars (type of perfume) or saffron. She is not allowed to wear the burqa or don a [face] veil; rather, she can draw her garment over her face if she wills."[Al-Bayhaqi, Saheeh]
This report asserts that women are forbidden from wearing face veils that she ties behind her head; not from covering itself, as stated by Shaykhul-Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, and Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon them.
As for the Hadeeth that reads: "A man's Ihraam is in his head and a woman's Ihraam is in her face", it is inauthentic. Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, declared such a Hadeeth as false.
Many women who perform ‘Umrah uncover their faces whilst in a state of Ihraam and after it, so much so, that this practice has become prevalent in Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. Based on the aforementioned proofs, as well as others, a woman must know that doing that in front of non-Mahram men is prohibited in the Sharee’ah. [If she has done it], she is required to repent to Allaah The Almighty and cover her face before those who are not related to her.
Likewise, I found the following view from Shaykh Al Albaani:
It is permissible for the woman to cover her face with something like a khimaar or jilbaab which she throws over her head and it sits on her face. What is correct is that it can touch her face but she cannot tie it to her face. This is similar to what Ibn Taymeeyah-rahimahullah said'
So, just to clarify I am not asking for a debate over whether you can or can't cover. What I am trying to understand is HOW the covering is done of the face. Like how would I dress in this way, what would you wear (or what should I buy) to come from my head to cover my face and not be tied on? And you would wear this the entire time you are in ihram then? Inshaallah one of you sisters can elaborate. If you can find a picture that would help