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I'm at lost with my religion

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#1 Guest_Noorhafizah_*

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Posted 11 April 2004 - 06:53 PM

                    I used to commit sins.....so much despite my young age wic i now 17......I follow the westerner style....dressing openly,drinking alcohol,go to pub and taking drugs.......But i have stop now since I met my boyfriend......He show me guidance to be good and remember allah....
I try my very best to leave all the bad things and Al hamdulilah its able but i have not started praying due to the tattoo on my hand and i just can't help myself to wear clothes that cover my body..........i don't like it especially tudung...is it true that its ok if u didn't wear tundung as long as u do not commit sins against god.....I don't noe wat to do I wnt to be allah followers but don't know how teach me anyone please                    

#2 Guest_ammena_1981_*

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Posted 11 April 2004 - 07:31 PM

                    Assalamalikum sis,

inshallah you will be guided and find things easier. Just wanted to ask, whats a tundung????

#3 Yasmina_Flower


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Posted 11 April 2004 - 07:43 PM

                    salaam alekom

i have added you to my msn sister and i would like to talk to you in private                    

#4 Sister Kamillah

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Posted 11 April 2004 - 11:27 PM

                    Asalamu Alaikum,
not a lot of information. are your parents muslim???if you want to learn Islam please write to me and I may be able to help you with some of the questions you have posted. teacherofislam@yahoo.com..It looks as though you are trying to change yourself but do not know how to go about it...One thing I must tell you is to pray no matter what you have done in the past, for Allah is Most Merciful and Oft returning in his Mercy and forgiveness...The tatoo on your hand should not make you feel ashamed to pray or to try to become a good muslim...You can wear a bandaide over the tatoo if it is not so big and their are procedures that can remove such a thing, they use lazer now for this type of thing...
Anyways just ask for forgiveness with a true sense of feeling deeply sorry and then move on from there. You have already MADE BIG STEPS TO START TO LIVE A LIFE OF A MUSLIM. just write me, Insha-Allah

#5 Ameeraana


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Posted 11 April 2004 - 11:55 PM

                    as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Tudung is hijab.  I am sorry I am leaving now so I cannot respond but I will come back later and try to give a few advices.


#6 faith_ful


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Posted 13 April 2004 - 01:55 AM

                    assalamu alaikum sister,

alhamdulillah you have found guidance at a young age (17) biggrin.gif .   InshaAllah, you will be able to change your ways...remember, Allah is Most Forgiving, and is able to forgive all sins...so you must turn to Him, and repent sincerely, and if you do it with sincerity, and strive hard not to repeat your sins,...inshaAllah, all your past sins will be wiped clean.

The first step you should take is to PRAY regularly, everyday, 5x a day...if you are not sure of how to pray, Islamway.com has an excellent site on prayers (with movements/diagram & the translation, and transliteration).


Remeber, to pray, to say the shahadah are our daily obligations to Allah.  When we pray 5x a day, we repeat the shahadah " I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His messeger", for 9 x a day (in our prayers).    These are the things that confirm we are muslims.  

Another v. important thing:  stay away from friends who commit those sins with you previously, for they are a bad influence on you.  Try to be in the company of the righteous people, the people who encourage you to know and love Allah.  

The wearing of tudung, well just do that during prayers first, and when you turn to Allah, inshaAllah, He will increase your e-maan, and make you love wearing the tudung on a regular basis, inshaAllah.


#7 searching


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Posted 13 April 2004 - 03:05 AM

                    Salaam Alaikum

First of all i want to say that you have found an excellent site...filled with kind and caring women....that will try to help you in many ways...you have taken a great and wonderful step of asking for somebody to teach you.

If you are not exactly where you want to be in life or in religion....taking steps to a straight path is the best thing for you.  Islam is a beautiful religion because Allah is all knowing and forgiving.  When you first become muslim...your past you should not look at....because you have your future...from the moment you say your tesitmony of faith....you start a clean page...and should make the very most of it....try so hard not to sin.  

Many sisters here are new muslims....revert or born muslim...we are all Muslim Women....a community of faith....we all have our past...we all have sins....but my new friend...you must move forward in your life....and your changes will take time..but...if you know you want to be a better person....Islam is a wonderful way to grow.   I think...most certainly you should start by correcting behaviors...such as stop the drinking of alcohol...it is points any way really...just a temporary escape from life.  You dont need it...and you dont need the "escape" this life is certain and you must know that your next life depends on your behaviors here and now.

Please post often...and seek the specific answers/support you need.  

May Allah guide you to a most pious path.

Your new friend,

#8 umahmad


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Posted 16 April 2004 - 11:27 PM

                    Masha Allah may Allah pless you sister . alhamdullah .but sister the first thing you have to do it tostart pray times aday and then every thing will be easy inshaAllah . do not worry masha Allah you have very strong Iman to start shanging your life in this age alhamdullah . I am very happy for you  laugh.gif . can you accept me as a new freind and sister ?                    

#9 Ameeraana


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Posted 17 April 2004 - 12:39 AM

                    as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

sister, I think you have found the perfect place for advice and to learn more about Islam.  

First, about your concern about the Tudung, or hijab.  Do not baffle yourself over it right now.  Just wearing it does not make you a Muslim.  Inshallah the more you learn about Islam the more you will know what you need to do.  

Take small steps.  The first thing is learning salat, or prayer.  www.Islamway.com has a flash presentation on how to pray.  If not we can help you out here as well.  

  Read the Qur'an, study, question us, we will try to help as much as we can.   There are going to be verses that are hard to understand.  Make sure you ask about them so you know what you are reading.  Inshallah the more you read the more your eemaan will grow.

  Do stay with us, post, participate, and you will learn!!!  smile.gif


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