assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
I hope I am posting this in the correct section insha'Allah. This is from the book: Al-Jawab AL-Al-Kafi Liman sala A'n Al-Dawa Al-shafi ( Aldaa Wa Al dawaa)" by Ibn Al-Qaym. This is from the site: Multaqa Ahl al-Hadeeth (http://www.ahlalhdee...m/vbe/index.php)
Insha'Allah I'll post the rest of it in a few days.
Sh. Al-Islam Ibn Taymyya (May Allah Bestows His mercy upon him) said in his writings explaining the situations of many people:
"It is much surprising to find a person who easily preserves himself from committing sins i.e. earning Money from Haram sources, being injust, stealing, drinking alcohol or to look at what is unlawful for him to look at, while he still finds it difficult to preserve his tongue. It happens to see someone who is known with his righteousness, all time worshipping and piety but he utters words that cause Allah’s wrath, while he is not aware of such consequences. You may see a person who preserves himself from approaching what leads to injustice or any filthy action yet his tongue is not stopping from back-biting live and dead people alike without even caring about it".
1) It was stated that if someone asked to see Ibrahim Al-Nakh'ie, while he is at home, but he disliked to go outside to meet him, he would tell his servant: "tell him to ask for me in the Masjid and do not say: I am not here, so that it does not count as a lie".
2) It was narrated that a wise man used to say if he ever finds a person who talks much and rarely silent: “Allah subhanu created for you two ears and one tongue so that what you hear is double what you talk".
3) Al-Rabie'e Bin Soubaih narrated that a man said to Al-Hassan: O' Abu Sa'eed I see something I dislike, Abu Sa'eed replied: what is that? He said:" I see people attending your place looking for any mistake you make so they can spread it amongst people to ruin your reputation. Al-Hassan replied: O’ My nephew: Do not let this matter be heavy on your chest and bother you. I will tell you what is greater and surprising than that. The man replied: what is that, uncle? He said: “I obeyed myself in every aspect that gets me closer to Allah, hoping to enter Jannah, be saved from hell-fire and to be with the prophets. However, I never obeyed myself when it comes to listen to what people has say i.e. backbiting, slandering or whatever is evil. You need to know that if anyone has to be preserved from people’s tongues evilness then it has to be the creator who created them. Thus, knowing that, the created is normally to be never protected from their evil tongues.
4) Jubair bin Abdullah said: I saw a man approaching Wahb Bin Manbah saying to him: “There is someone who backbites you” so Ibn Wahbah replied: “Did not the shaytaan find anyone else but you to muck with and make him to look like a fool? Then it was just moments after that and the man came so he welcomed him and treated him kindly.
5) Hatim Bin Al-A’sim said: “If a respectable good man sits with you, you would be watching every word you utter so that you do not say something wrong. Yet, you know that your words are watched by Allah but you still do not watch the words you utter!!!
6) Abu Hyyan Al-Tamimi narrated from his father saying: “I saw the daughter of Al-Rabe’e Bin Al-khaytham asking his permission to go and play so he replied to her: go and utter nothing but goodness.
7) A man backbited someone while he was in the presence of Ma’roof Al-karkhi so Ma’roof said, warning the man about the danger of backbiting: “keep in mind, always, the time when they put pieces of cotton in your eyes, referring to his death”
8) a man told Amro Bin Al-Obaid : Al-Aswari still backbites you and mentions you with no good , so Amro replied: “You did not fulfill the trust of the man when he let you sit with him since you told us what he said furthermore, you did not fulfill my rights upon you when you told me what I dislike to hear about one of my brothers. However, advise him that death will happen to all of us, the grave will hold us inside and the judgment day will gather us and then Allah will be the judge between us and he is, truly, the most just wise judge.
9) Al-Mmoafi Bin Umran once was asked: what do you say of a man who writes poetry? He replied: it is his life so let him waste it if he wishes the way he likes!!!
10) Ibn abbas ( radi Allahu a’nhuma) said: There is no word that son of Adam utters without being written, even the pain humming he makes because of his sickness. So when Imam Ahamd was sick he was told that Tawoos disliked pain humming of sickness so Imam Ahmad stopped doing so, although the pain was great.
Preserving the tongue
Started by
Guest_Umm An-Nu'man_*
, Oct 12 2008 11:30 PM
4 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_Umm An-Nu'man_*
Posted 12 October 2008 - 11:30 PM
#2 Guest_Umm An-Nu'man_*
Posted 12 October 2008 - 11:33 PM
*tongue* (in the title)
Posted 14 October 2008 - 05:30 AM
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah!
MashaAllah these are good reminders. JazakAllah khair for sharing.
9) Al-Mmoafi Bin Umran once was asked: what do you say of a man who writes poetry? He replied: it is his life so let him waste it if he wishes the way he likes!!!
This is a good reminder to me first of all to use my time more wisely. Instead of the 5, 10, 15 minutes I may spend doing an action which I know brings little benefit, I could be doing a good deed such as reading Qur'an, helping my mom or dad without them asking, etc.
MashaAllah these are good reminders. JazakAllah khair for sharing.
9) Al-Mmoafi Bin Umran once was asked: what do you say of a man who writes poetry? He replied: it is his life so let him waste it if he wishes the way he likes!!!
This is a good reminder to me first of all to use my time more wisely. Instead of the 5, 10, 15 minutes I may spend doing an action which I know brings little benefit, I could be doing a good deed such as reading Qur'an, helping my mom or dad without them asking, etc.
Posted 14 October 2008 - 10:59 AM
As Salamu Alaikum
I never thought about it like that
Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing
{2) It was narrated that a wise man used to say if he ever finds a person who talks much and rarely silent: “Allah subhanu created for you two ears and one tongue so that what you hear is double what you talk".
I never thought about it like that
Jazakallahu Khairan for sharing
#5 Guest_Umm An-Nu'man_*
Posted 15 October 2008 - 03:55 PM
assalamu alaikum
here is the second part. insha'Allah you all find it beneficial. insha'Allah I will try to post the final part in a few days.
11) Umar Bin A’bd Al-Aziz once said: “whoever knows and realize that his words, he utters, are part of his deeds, He, surely will speak only with what concerns him”
12) Al-Hassan bin Saleh Said: “We searched into where Wara’ (refers to the status where a person avoid doing what is Halal fearing that it has a suspicion of Haram) can be found, and we realized that Wara’ is rarely can be found and if it is found it will be the least of it in Tongues”.
13) Abdullah Al-Khayar used to say when he sits with people : “O’ Allah save us and protect us and save the believers from the evilness of our tongues”
14) Some of the Salaf used to say: “every hour which Son of Adam lived will be viewed and screened to him. And every hour he lived and did not mention or remembered Allah in that hour, he will weep on himself for wasting such an hour”
15) Al-Hassan bin Bashar once said: “I observed my tongue for thirty years so that I never uttered a word that require me to apologize for”
16) Bishr Bin Mansour once said: “we were once sitting with Ayoob Al-Sukhtayani and we talked and backbited others. Consequently, stop it For if I wished to tell you all what I have talked about today I would have done already, but I will not.”
17) the Sha’bi used to daraw a circle and ask his servent to put her finger in the middle of it, if someone asked for him and he disliked going out, then he tells his servant say: “ he is not ion here” ( referring to where she puts her finger in).
Note: This is used only when it is in need and necessarily otherwise it is not allowed because this is a form of a lie although the words are not. However, it is dislikable to do in general. The sha’bi did it out of necessity and that he does not lie.
18) A man once told Al-Fadeel bin E’yaad: “A man backbited me” Al-fadeel replied: “He benefited you rather than harmed you” (He refers to the fact that he will take from the good deeds of the one who backbited him in judgment day as a result of this)
19) Abd Al-Rahman Bin Mahdi once said: “I dislike people to disobey Allah otherwise I would have wished every one in this world to backbite me. There is no equal joy to find in your scale in the judgment day a deed you did not know about or even did”
20) A man once said to Bakr bin Muhammad: “I was told that you are talking about me behind my back”. Bakr replied: “If I did then you are more precious to me than myself”
here is the second part. insha'Allah you all find it beneficial. insha'Allah I will try to post the final part in a few days.
11) Umar Bin A’bd Al-Aziz once said: “whoever knows and realize that his words, he utters, are part of his deeds, He, surely will speak only with what concerns him”
12) Al-Hassan bin Saleh Said: “We searched into where Wara’ (refers to the status where a person avoid doing what is Halal fearing that it has a suspicion of Haram) can be found, and we realized that Wara’ is rarely can be found and if it is found it will be the least of it in Tongues”.
13) Abdullah Al-Khayar used to say when he sits with people : “O’ Allah save us and protect us and save the believers from the evilness of our tongues”
14) Some of the Salaf used to say: “every hour which Son of Adam lived will be viewed and screened to him. And every hour he lived and did not mention or remembered Allah in that hour, he will weep on himself for wasting such an hour”
15) Al-Hassan bin Bashar once said: “I observed my tongue for thirty years so that I never uttered a word that require me to apologize for”
16) Bishr Bin Mansour once said: “we were once sitting with Ayoob Al-Sukhtayani and we talked and backbited others. Consequently, stop it For if I wished to tell you all what I have talked about today I would have done already, but I will not.”
17) the Sha’bi used to daraw a circle and ask his servent to put her finger in the middle of it, if someone asked for him and he disliked going out, then he tells his servant say: “ he is not ion here” ( referring to where she puts her finger in).
Note: This is used only when it is in need and necessarily otherwise it is not allowed because this is a form of a lie although the words are not. However, it is dislikable to do in general. The sha’bi did it out of necessity and that he does not lie.
18) A man once told Al-Fadeel bin E’yaad: “A man backbited me” Al-fadeel replied: “He benefited you rather than harmed you” (He refers to the fact that he will take from the good deeds of the one who backbited him in judgment day as a result of this)
19) Abd Al-Rahman Bin Mahdi once said: “I dislike people to disobey Allah otherwise I would have wished every one in this world to backbite me. There is no equal joy to find in your scale in the judgment day a deed you did not know about or even did”
20) A man once said to Bakr bin Muhammad: “I was told that you are talking about me behind my back”. Bakr replied: “If I did then you are more precious to me than myself”
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