As some of you may know, sis Mariya is on holiday and I have been swamped with schoolwork these days so I have not been as active as I would have liked. I hope you guys will forgive me for that. The corner seems to need a bit of action and I have been trying to think of some new topics to start and inshaAllah encourage you guys to start some too. In the meantime, I started this as I know its a topic a lot of people like to discuss.

Dream Wedding
#1 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:48 PM
As some of you may know, sis Mariya is on holiday and I have been swamped with schoolwork these days so I have not been as active as I would have liked. I hope you guys will forgive me for that. The corner seems to need a bit of action and I have been trying to think of some new topics to start and inshaAllah encourage you guys to start some too. In the meantime, I started this as I know its a topic a lot of people like to discuss.
Posted 29 April 2008 - 03:54 AM
My dream wedding would be neither small nor large, but comfortably in between, with my close friends from my old Islamic centre and the Madrasah right now, and of course my family (which is big but not huge - grandparents from both sides, aunties and uncles, my granduncles, a few random other relatives here and there)!
I'd like to have it at a house rather than a big hall because I like the cozy feeling of everybody happily squished together and laughing, plus we women can de-hijaab comfortably... I want to have my hands and legs full of mehndi, and I'd love to wear a beautiful lehnga!
Other than that, all I really want is for it to be a gathering of love and laughter and the rememberance of Allah so that I can say farewell to my loved ones in the best of ways that's fun and pleasing to Allah as well

Posted 30 April 2008 - 11:55 PM
hmmm... my dream wedding wouldn't be too big, but not too small either , like sis Mujaahida_Fi_Sabilillaah said. (i don't want too much attention, that would make me nervous

and i'd want henna obviously. in the past weddings we had for family relatives, my family would call someone who was able to do henna profesionally, and everyone else would get henna too, but the brides would be the best... obviously. it was great to watch, and it was gorgeous.
and, i'd want it to be an islamic wedding, NO Music or anything. and i'd want everyone to just enjoy themselves, and have a great time.
Posted 01 May 2008 - 07:29 AM
My dream wedding, InshaAllah, is very very small. Just my parents, my wali and his wife, my husband and his parents

InshaAllah we get what is best for us

Posted 05 May 2008 - 11:09 AM
Nice topic A'ishah. Well my wedding is almost 2 years gone, so I'll tell you what my dream wedding would be in retrospect. If i could do it all over again, i would not chew gum, Id do my own make up, not wear false lashes as my own are thick and long enough without the fake ones irritating me and falling off (i ripped them off before my dh came in and was harrassing everyone for some mascara!!) Other than that I loved my wedding, not big not small, lots of guests to feed, and gorgeous clothes and jewellery i got to choose alhamdulillaah..

Posted 12 May 2008 - 06:50 PM
I would have a large wedding because i got loads of family
and have an islamic wedding because me and my family are ver islamic
i would have gold and brown decore
and wear our traditional dress and then a real wedding dress
and i would have my only small sister as my bride maid cuz i love her(love her to bites

Posted 14 May 2008 - 10:54 AM
In jannah inshaAllaah sweetmuslimah

Posted 16 May 2008 - 12:01 AM
dream wedding: me eloping with the groom (having obviously gained permission from wali to marry), off in some lush beach as we lay in a hammock drinking fruit cocktails. No stress, minmal fuss and no hassle to deal with lol.
most likely wedding: in a hall somewhere, over croweded with too many people- most who i wont know, guests fighting over food, loud music, loud noise, 1000000 eyes staring, watching and commenting on me (how i look, what im wearing, my hair, skin, etc.. ) me depressed and wanting to leave. lol.
Posted 16 May 2008 - 02:08 AM
Awwwwwwwwwww, sis 8th... don't worry about it... insha'Allah it'll turn out a lot more like scenario #1 than #2!

Posted 19 May 2008 - 09:42 PM
honestly id like a small wedding strictly girls only...i like the idea of having some1 give a lecture at ur wedding....alot of somali weddings are like that....theyre called mahadaro(sp?) weddings....close family nd friends have a girl sing using a duff onlie my friend did that for her wedding and mashallah it was great..yummy food..then everyone goes home!!
i dont like extravagant video nd no camerca except for 1 that my sis will have so she can take a pic of me nd my mom nd brides maid but noone will see it not even my husband unless its the 1 with just me in it.....other than that no camerca...
Posted 19 May 2008 - 10:03 PM
Me, groom, wali, witnesses, courthouse, ktaab... khalas. No muss, no fuss, no wasted time or money. Bonus point: nothing that anyone could consider haram. Why do people have to make simple things so complicated?
Posted 19 May 2008 - 10:59 PM
[Why do people have to make simple things so complicated?]
because people by nature have egos. weddings are usually one of the few times for people to show off and show what families are 'made of'. The amount of ridiculous extravagances i've heard being spent on some weddings is unbelievale (like the bride and groom coming to the venue in a ferrari-rented of course, despite the fact they live in the hood and come from the housing project lol).
They cant even afford it 9/10, proabably dont even have a house to live in, but as longs as the people who went to their wedding, go away saying " oh so and so's wedding was great, they had this, that blach blah blach", then it will be considered money worth spent. Sad really.
#13 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 20 May 2008 - 01:29 AM
I think thats kind of a generalization. I had a 100 percent halal wedding alhamdulilah, and I had a women's party and nice dresses, decoration, food and it was not so people would brag about it, but because I wanted to celebrate my marriage, give something to my family and friends to enjoy (I was the first daughter on my dad's side to get married, and I am the only daughter on my mom's side), to welcome dh's parents who were visiting from overseas, and show some of my less practicing friends that fearing Allah does not mean you can't have a fun wedding. But most of all, it was for me, because my family and friends put it together as a gift to me since they felt I deserved it. Sure, we could have gone less complicated and just done the aqd and thats it and I would have been OK with that too, but there is nothing wrong with a nice party, besides the aqd or masjid and courthouse either, provided it doesn't go overboard. We did splurge a bit because it was a special occasion (but nothing near what you are describing). To answer the question, my wedding was my dream wedding.
Posted 20 May 2008 - 09:34 AM
Of course there's nothing wrong with having as nice a wedding as you can afford

Also, oftentimes the couple can just barely afford it, so they do it at the expense of other things that they later regret. For example, I know couples that couldn't afford second car (the wedding cost more than a new car!), had to delay children for a few extra years (I know that's controversial, it's just an example), needed the wife to work when she didn't want to to pay off the loans (a whole 'nother can of worms!), and had to rent rather than buy a house. In hindsight, most of them ended up wishing that they'd kept that money to spend on other things.
Edited by turquoisegiraffe, 20 May 2008 - 09:35 AM.
Posted 21 May 2008 - 09:49 AM
Hmm... I've never thought of disco lights and duff-only music going together

Posted 21 May 2008 - 11:13 AM

Posted 17 June 2008 - 07:15 AM
i wud like ma nikah to be held in a majid if in pakistan then Faisal masjid.I want it to be totally islamic marriage where most of all no camera man with his irritating camera is present................peace!

Posted 08 September 2008 - 08:43 PM

I had lots of fun reading these posts, lol.

wa salam.

Posted 12 September 2008 - 01:05 AM
Oh, how I wish I could get married! But, atleast 8 more years to go!
Here's my dream wedding:
My dream wedding would be outside, in a beautiful garden, full of pansies and roses and all sorts of exotic flowers! It would be neither large or small, and I would have henna all over my hands! It would be peaceful and calm and joyful, with shady trees and singing birds. My dress, like the wedding, would be neither plain or fancy. I would have make-up, though.

Aaah....bliss!*snaps back into focus*,
Edited to add:
Lol...Im just ten

Edited by Blossom0420, 12 September 2008 - 01:07 AM.
Posted 14 September 2008 - 05:25 PM

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