Asalamu alaykum,
subhnallah i never noticed this thread before........i loved the description of all the sisters dream wedding especially sis Aishah(musaafirah) since her wedding was her dream wedding=).
*my wedding would be in a house or not to large cozy place, i really hate weddings in halls and bright lights.YUCK!!
* i would definitely wear a beautiful and rare lehnga ( dont know the color...maybe purple,red with gold color....)
* 100 percent islamic
*i wont even let people who i dont know come only family(FEMALES),my BFFs,and every single islamway sis( i really wish that could happen but inshallah we will meet in jannatul firdaws al a'la)
* plenty of yummy food(not only somalian),i would have arab food,Greek food, spicy indian food..inshallah
*i would have my hair natural and not curled or you would beautiful and loooong, may hair is long mashallah but i want it to be past my waist a little and its close and not dyed or anything
* i would have lots of henna on( filling my whole arms,and feet)
*i would use light make up and absolutely not heavy and dark
*NO buraanbur( MUSLIMAHSISTER and um anas know what that means) its a traditional somali dance of women where the women make a circle and one or more(2 usually) jump in the middle and dance with a beautiful and decorated silk and colored scarf covering thier head and face dance with drums or women clapping around them.Personally i dont like it and the loud nice and boom boom sound would give me a headache
*i want my islamic teachers(women) who taught me alot to be there and give a nice lecture(and i choose the topic...hehehe)
*i would love to have little girls singing nasheed in arabic(islamic) with the halal duff.But that rarely happens huh?
*** i would force my pakistani friend to be there since she moved now
* i would have my LOVELY MOTHER and 4 sisters sitting next to me since they keep me comfortable(obviously we grew up together.....)
* i would have the walima the next day after the nikah.
i seriously dont know whether to have it at night or day time.......we'll see inshallah

Dream Wedding
Started by
, Apr 28 2008 04:48 PM
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