Colic/crying all the time
#1 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 09 October 2009 - 08:52 PM
Any of you sisters been through this? I've been worried about my little one. I think he is colicky as he is crying all the time, bunches his little feet up and his face is all red and he just screams and screams uncontrollably. He also appears to have some serious stomach pain (of the lower sort) as he is often straining and grunting and you can visibly see him pushing and moaning with it. His poos have been fine but you'd think they wouldn't be if you see the way he is during the day. He also passes gas and burps a lot regularly, but he still seems to have a lot of gas pain, and he cries a lot while he is passing gas (ie. farting). But he is not sick or anything as I have been checking his temp a lot and keeping an eye on him. Our doctor's appointment for his 1 month appointment is next week inshaallah.
Is there anything I can do, any tips that worked for you sisters? I feel so bad watching him in pain and with him crying and me not being able to soothe him. Also, I start to feel myself really drained after he has been crying all day with me and my dh cannot really handle babies crying, especially after a long day at work (he feels bad for him). My dh brought mylicon drops (which is what the doc recommended at our first appointment when it was nowhere near as bad and not at all as severe as it is now) and the mylicon did not really do anything. I'm pretty desperate for a solution at this point.
Posted 09 October 2009 - 09:00 PM
See if you can put a warm towel on his tummy and rock him or walk the floor with him. If that does not help see if you can bump your appt up to monday or tuesday,if not then keep calm and try to ease the pain for him.
Posted 09 October 2009 - 09:08 PM
#4 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 09 October 2009 - 09:38 PM
Sis UmmKhalid, it seems we have similiar sons subhanaallah. He also is not crazy about classic cradle hold (unless he is swaddled and I am rocking him in that position), likes to be held with his head between my neck and chest and his body against me, and seems to love that over-the shoulder hold and I usually rock him a bit like that and pat his back. And his baba does the upside down cradle position with him and that seems to work for him sometimes. I also remember you mentioning Khalid didn't sleep a lot when he was a baby (is that right?) and all I can say is I sympathize LOL, because Muhammad does not like to sleep very much either.
Posted 09 October 2009 - 10:25 PM
Possibly something in your diet that is making him gassy? Something that might not bother you might cause him gas. Is it also possible he has an ear infection? My first 3 kids never had one (because I never did either) but my dd now has them because her father had them as a kid. (He had one as an adult last year and ignored me when I said see a doctor or nurse, and got raging infections in both ears.) I don't know how young they can start, but I know they are tremendously painful.
As well, whatever position your son likes to be held in just do it. I don't know so much about the oil rubs or holistic/alternative solutions, but sometimes it is just a matter of getting the gas out. I wish (as a pediatric nurse) I could give you more guidance. If he is burping and pooting the other direction, that is a good sign (but doesn't help trying to figure out what is wrong).
#6 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 10 October 2009 - 01:09 AM
Did you only cut out milk or did you cut out all dairy? Also, did you substitute anything for it (I use milk and dairy a lot, both plain eating and in cooking, so I don't really know how to cut it out at the moment, but I'd like to try just to see if it changes anything and if thats the problem)?
Posted 10 October 2009 - 01:44 AM
Asalaamu Alaykum,
Did you only cut out milk or did you cut out all dairy? Also, did you substitute anything for it (I use milk and dairy a lot, both plain eating and in cooking, so I don't really know how to cut it out at the moment, but I'd like to try just to see if it changes anything and if thats the problem)?
Salams SIs
When starting out with your new baby, eat very very mild to almost bland food for the first few months , just until you can see what irritates your babies tummy.
When you breastfeed you need to back off spices, curries, milk, rice etc. These things can cause gas and stomach irritations.
I ate briyani and other things after being home for only 2weeks and ds would scream and cry when I ate any Pakistani/Indian food.
Then i cut my diet down to almost ZERO Pakistani food for 3 months, I would takea taste now and then, becuase it upset ds tummy. I ate lots of oatmeal, omelets etc
So start to cut everything out and take everything in stride. Start with dairy this will cause such bad gas. If you need too make 2 seperate meals one for dh with the food he likes and one very low key or mild, bland for you.
Making this sacrafice for your ds will help and pay off in the long run. After about 6 months you should be able to resume regular eating (well you know your baby best and it maybe onle a few months who knows). Discuss all of this with the baby's Dr and your ob/gyn too they can guide you.
Posted 10 October 2009 - 04:31 AM
Watching your food is very important. Can you not do a week or two cooking without milk to see if it affects him? I usually have a full glass of milk with coffee every morning and I love my cheese but, with Rahima, I had to stop that for a year or she would get eczema.
Also, try cumin or anise seeds. Boil them and give one teaspoon of the water to the baby at night. If you have the choice between the two, anise works better as it will make them sleep longer.
Umm Hanifa
Posted 10 October 2009 - 09:13 AM
i feel for u sister, i had a lil baby boy who cried for 5 months without stopping subhana Allah, again the dr said it was colic, he's 3 now so my only hope to offer u is that u will more than likely survive this, although u might be brought right up to the edge of ur sanity and yes am being serious
so what did i try that u could try
cumin seeds boiled in water
gripe water
dentinox drops these have dill oil in them
gaviscon infant
the other drops i cant remember what they were anyway they didnt work
driving in the car at midnight, it worked (once)
nu nu, u get this is egypt as i went to egypt when my baby was 3 months old,
milupa thingy from egypt again its kinda a herbal drink for babies
binding his stomach
i was gonna invest in a bed type thingy that kinda hangs them and rocks them naturally, i think dr sears helped designed it, if ur in the us u could look into it, am in the uk so i couldnt get it and then he would have grown outta it so quick
cant remember the other things i tried, i also had many drs appointments and was constantly patronised with the whole this is how the wind a baby, yes i think i know how to wind him they showed me 100's of times
oh and they took him of my breast and put him onto cow and gate comfort which did help a lil but now when i look back i think i was thick to listen to a male dr giving me advice about breast feeding, but i was also desperate
what saved me lol well a nurse came to my house when my baby was 5 1/2 months she could hear him screaming and she was like, is he like this al the time, how long has he been down for a nap, i said 5 mins and now he was awake and then told her all about my life with the crying, and she then said well actually colic only lasts for so long and now he is crying as wel he doesn t really know what else to do, as thats what he's always done and its normal for him, lil brat lol
so she took me upstairs and told me to cover him pat him and walk out, and then after 2 min go back and shush and pat, after 20 mins he went back to sleep, and slept for 2 hours when my dh came in from work i was actually in hysterics of laughter lol did that again at night time and after that he was cured lol i got a life lol no more baby in the croo of my arm screaming
seriously till this day i make dua for Allah to make that nurse a muslim
anyway am in no way telling u to do controlled crying on a tiny baby, actually i was only able to do it with ds 2 as wel he cried all the time anyways so it didnt make a difference, but if u do end up being in for the long colic slog, grow some nerves of steel, and am sorry but ur dh needs to come in from work and take the baby from u to give u a break otherwise u could crack up, and u go into another room and just lie down, i use to sit on the bed lol
and remember any time u feel over whelmed put baby down in chair or cot and go outta the room and get a drink or something and then resume the 'hell'
other than that, start goin through the list, those short bursts of hope are priceless

who knows maybe they work on other babies and mine was just an alien from the planet colic or something

take care
Posted 10 October 2009 - 11:20 AM
Sister muwahida-01 reminded me when she advised to put the baby down when you get overwhelmed and go out of the room...I know none of us would EVER in a million years do something as shake a baby out of frustration, but it's a good reminder. Sadly in my career as a nurse I have taken care of FAR too many babies who have suffered from Shaken Baby Syndrome at the hands of a care--taker. It's awful and once you see what is left it will stick in your head forever. If it ever gets too much to handle, put the baby in a safe place...crib, carseat, bouncer, bassinette, etc...and walk away for a few minutes into another room. Say a prayer. A few deep breaths. Make a phone call to mother or sister or friend. This is something that happens not out of anger but frustration, hearing a baby crying that just won't stop. I'm sorry, but as a nurse I just had to mention it.
Changing your diet seems to be the best place to start. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Posted 10 October 2009 - 12:48 PM
3 of my 4 babies were allergic to cow's milk protein, soy protein (and this last baby also to wheat).
It appears usually in week 2-4 of baby's life, and the symptoms are like what you described plus more. Besides the constant crying, actually SCREAMING, check for mucous in the stool, or blood. Is he spitting up a lot?
The cow's milk allergy and reflux also have similar symptoms. Ask the dr about both of these in depth. In the meantime, eliminate dairy products (this is very hard if you eat packaged foods b/c the byproducts are in everything), and see if you see an improvement in a few days. It takes a full 2 weeks for all the dairy to get out of the breastmilk, but I saw an improvement after 2 or 3 days initially.
#12 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 12 October 2009 - 08:46 PM
MissPink, Yes, there is constant crying and actual screams (so frightening coming from a little baby!), he strains and makes 'elephant' like noises all the time, and he actually does spit up and vomit a lot I noticed. Also, I've never noticed any blood in his stool, but a couple times I noticed that sometimes there was green portions mixed in with the usual mustard color. Not sure if that might be due to mucous or something?
I am going to try eliminating milk (although I am doing it very slowly at the moment, because I need to go to the store and buy something to sub for it since I keep realizing I am eating something that has dairy with it) inshaallah, as I do believe that might be the issue. A few days ago I had a nice cup of iced coffee with lots of milk for breakfast and later that day, he was especially upset and I've noticed that his most severe upset times tend to correspond several hours after I've eaten/drank something containing dairy.
I also will try some of the other methods mentioned inshaallah.
Posted 12 October 2009 - 08:54 PM
The caffeine in that iced coffee wouldn't have been so helpful, unless it was decaf.
#14 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 12 October 2009 - 10:01 PM
It was MuslimahMom, no worries. I love my caffeine but my dh does not handle it well though he enjoys the taste of coffee so we drink the decaf or half caf usually.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 11:09 AM
assalamu alaikum
just another suggestion - for babies that wont settle/sleep because of crying colic or not related - white noise can settle them - hover on/ putting crib near washing machine!
means you can play a fuzz like a radio out of tune
calms many babys.
or search you tube or whatever for nature sounds (can bye machines and cds that play them)
Edited by kazz, 13 October 2009 - 11:22 AM.
Posted 13 October 2009 - 06:31 PM
I'm convinced it's the dairy! (being the doctor that i am) just kidding!
but, ya, it sounds like it. my babies never had obvious blood, except this last one had a spot or two that I noticed. once it got tested in the lab, it came out positive. you just can't see it.
just cut the dairy asap. it's very hard at first. just do it and your life will be sooo much nicer with a happier and quieter baby. the way they scream with this pain is sooo sad.
#17 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 15 October 2009 - 11:16 PM
Inshaallah I will be doing that. Hopefully it will get easier.
I did want to ask though, how would one know the difference between dairy intolerance and overactive let-down/ oversupply or foremilk-hindmilk imbalance. I am asking because I have heard the two can look similar and I realized that I do have an abundant supply (alhamdulilah wa mashaallah). My let-down hurts a lot and it is a full-on shower-spray. Sometimes he stays on through it and manages but sometimes he chokes and spits it out and I have to lift him up and blow in his face to get him to breathe because he will choke on it. And if he pulls off half-way through I end up spraying and soaking everything around. Not to mention I leak all the time, have let-down a lot throughout the day, even when I am not feeding him (at least 2-3 times between each feed) and am just generally a mess when it comes to that because I soak through clothes and breastpads. I thought my supply had normalized a bit because it felt like it was not so much as before but I realized it was just that I wasn't eating well at all and once I started eating breakfast and lunch, I've gone back to being painfully full all the time (even though Muhammad breastfeeds on demand, every 2 hours at least for long periods of time, alhamdulilah)
I'm guessing the only way to know for sure is to cut the dairy and see if the fussiness and colic goes away?
Edited by musaafirah, 15 October 2009 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 15 October 2009 - 11:28 PM
yep, cut the dairy. i had that type of milk supply and let down, but my first child didn't react like the others who had the dairy/soy/wheat allergy. like you said about him earlier.. the way he screams in pain... that's the protein intolerance.
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