I have alot of friends who are mixed couples as well.. they just continue doing what they were doing at home more.. the children understand everything. A couple I know speaks moroccan arabic and french to their daughter, (AND english) and she understands everything, and goes from one language to another fluidly... even when she speaks to me, she sometimes will be speaking to her father, start speaking to me, and I won't catch but phrases.. I'm not familiar enough with arabic, but from what I understand her accents are 'right on' in all the languages, ie, she sounds, to me, like a natural born american with her english, and her parents and friends say her french and arabic is perfect as well. (I speak spanish, so i cannot say with the french either). I have another friend, her and her husband speak the three different dialects of spanish to their son (basque, etc) and he speaks them all fluently and I think that if you just do what you do normally, you'll probably see they'll just pick up everything.
I think that you should speak to them in moroccan arabic, your husband in his, and speak to each other just like you are, either in english or in arabic whatever you both feel comfortable in (you should speak french as well, right, since you're why not french?) Children have no problems whatsoever learning multiple languages at once, and I think that your children should learn them all..that would benefit them the best, don't you think..
And as far as ditching english..don't you live in the US? Wouldn't that be rather hard? You don't want them to be behind in school when they start... Besides, it's a good language to know as well, as it's a common language for many as well (and also will be the easiest to pick up, so should be no problem.) I'm also guessing, from what I know about you, you'll have your children learning arabic scholarly probably, from a young they'll also get standard arabic that way.
Oh, and a couple of you were scared b/c your children didn't seem to picking up the 'second' language.. there's a family I know here, from brazil, they've been here for a couple years..she seemed to be only picking up english, as that was what she was speaking at home, although they were only speaking in portuguese, so they were worried...she understood, but just wouldn't talk..and this is common for a child to just pick their favorite.. Anyhow, they went home, and she started speaking it just like it was her only language....they were amazed.. So, she's been learning the whole time.
QUOTE(musaafirah @ Jul 7 2008, 03:40 PM)

Asalaamu Alaikum,
Thanks so much! SubhanaAllah, that was very helpful and inshaAllah we will implement it. We definitely do need to ditch the English. I really liked your suggestion Umm Hafsah. I do need to start speaking with him in the house, and inshaAllah that will help me to pick up falasteeni (I learned moroccan by immersion alhamdulilah, so inshaallah this is the same). And I already made it clear I don't want our kids learning english first and even though i want them to learn fusha first, if its between english and moroccan to speak with them, I will speak Moroccan. But obviously, no matter what, we need to switch the household language to get that to work.