Re-increasing my milk supply
#1 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 06 May 2010 - 10:33 PM
My son fell ill with a pretty bad sinus infection and started refusing the breast or, when he accepted it, would just drink a couple of sips and then turn away and let go because his nose was too stuffy and blocked and then be gasping for breath miskeen. During that time, I got really engorged but I didn't have a pump so I kept trying to force the breast on him and offer it (he kept refusing or not drinking long) and tried to express a bit by hand. Now, he is able to drink more and wants to but I've noticed my milk has seriously decreased, to the point I am afraid it might be drying up and I don't know what to do. Before, I always had a very good supply mashaallah, to the point where I used to soak through breast pads in between feeds and such and now, there is a huge difference. This is a big deal because he is a constant feeder and comfort sucker so now he wants the milk and it is not coming for him, and he is not eating solids, he is still exclusively breastfed so I am worried he is going to start losing weight.
Have any of you gone through this? Any tips?
Barakallahu feeki in advance,
A'ishah Umm Muhammad
Posted 06 May 2010 - 11:28 PM
Went through this a few times sister, so things can change.
One thing I did was to keep pressing the breast (you know not near the nipple but starting as far back as you can) so that the milk is loosened up.
After a warm bath (hot for me thanks) pressing helps. You can press when baby is nursing and when baby is not nursing. The more milk expressed, the more milk will come.
If you have a husband, he can nurse and the more nursing, the more milk comes in. This is the best and easiest way.
Dr Jack Newman has a breastfeeding book. He has the answers, I think to any question on breastfeeding. It's an amazing book and friends of his helped me go from no feedings when our child stopped to full feeding. That's how insightful and knowledgeable he is.
You can do fine and get back lots of milk for your little sweetie

Breastfeeding is so "the best!"

Salam Alaikum
Posted 06 May 2010 - 11:34 PM
Actually another way to increase breast milk is by taking a natural herb called Fenugreek. You can take in capsule form...it doesn't harm your body or the baby and it was used centuries ago to increase milk. My cousin used it once and mashallah her breast milk came back!
Posted 06 May 2010 - 11:40 PM
It is said that fenugreek helps to increase your milk supply. You can get it in seed form too. I boil it in water, drain off the seeds, add a bit of sugar and drink it. I don't breastfeed (did in the beginning) but that's one way you can take it. I read that you should drink it about 2 to 3 times a day until your milk supply picks up.
Posted 07 May 2010 - 01:46 AM
Salam Alaikum,
If you have a husband, he can nurse and the more nursing, the more milk comes in. This is the best and easiest way.
Salamo alaikum,
Am I completely picking up this statement wrongly, or are you recommending that she BF's her husband?
Apologies in advance if I'm reading it wrong, lol.
Posted 07 May 2010 - 12:49 PM
Lol Umsalam, that makes two of us!.
Posted 07 May 2010 - 01:47 PM
Salam Alaikum,
If you have a husband, he can nurse and the more nursing, the more milk comes in. This is the best and easiest way.
Salamo alaikum,
Am I completely picking up this statement wrongly, or are you recommending that she BF's her husband?
Apologies in advance if I'm reading it wrong, lol.
I think that it means that alot of men enjoy their wives breasts to start with (sorry trying not to get to graphic here) and alot of men like to suck/play with their wives breast during intimate moments, this can stimulate milk production simply from the act of intamcy.
Sorry if this is some how a little graphic (well to some it maybe).
Posted 07 May 2010 - 05:01 PM
Edited by lowri_mai, 22 November 2010 - 02:18 PM.
Posted 08 May 2010 - 01:55 AM
Salam Alaikum,
If you have a husband, he can nurse and the more nursing, the more milk comes in. This is the best and easiest way.
Salamo alaikum,
Am I completely picking up this statement wrongly, or are you recommending that she BF's her husband?
Apologies in advance if I'm reading it wrong, lol.
I think that it means that alot of men enjoy their wives breasts to start with (sorry trying not to get to graphic here) and alot of men like to suck/play with their wives breast during intimate moments, this can stimulate milk production simply from the act of intamcy.
Sorry if this is some how a little graphic (well to some it maybe).
Salam Alaikum,
Akin to play, except it's real work and he will get the milk flow going quickly, Insha'Allah. This is why some women who have a toddler, then a baby have no problem feeding the newborn because the milk flow is already there from the nursing toddler.
So a husband can do his duty and get the milk flow going. If he likes this, that is fine, even better, if not, well engorged breasts hurt and baby needs milk.
And husbands are permitted to do this as it is not the same as a woman breastfeeding a baby, who becomes equivalent to family to her.
Salam Alaikum
Posted 08 May 2010 - 10:45 AM
if this is your first baby, the milk when the baby is first born can leak out all over the place, but amazingly adapts to that and doenst do that after awhile as your body gets used to the feeding pattern. Because he hasnt been feeding much recently, the production of spare milk has decreased, but as he sucks the milk is produced, on demand! mashallah its a very inspiring thing to study, milk production. As you feed your baby, the milk production will adapt to the new higher demand easily. Make sure you get rest, like sis lawri mai says, and eat and drink enough, dont miss a meal or anything like that. But inshallah you have passed the days of milk spilling out when you are out of the house.
#11 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 08 May 2010 - 06:29 PM
Jazakhiallahu khayr sisters for the advice. I will try them out inshaallah. I am drinking hilba tea at the moment

QUOTE(ummsalam @ May 6 2010, 08:46 PM) *
QUOTE(Ilovefajr @ May 7 2010, 12:28 AM) *
Salam Alaikum,
If you have a husband, he can nurse and the more nursing, the more milk comes in. This is the best and easiest way.
Salamo alaikum,
Am I completely picking up this statement wrongly, or are you recommending that she BF's her husband?
Apologies in advance if I'm reading it wrong, lol.
I think that it means that alot of men enjoy their wives breasts to start with (sorry trying not to get to graphic here) and alot of men like to suck/play with their wives breast during intimate moments, this can stimulate milk production simply from the act of intamcy.
Sorry if this is some how a little graphic (well to some it maybe).
Salam Alaikum,
Akin to play, except it's real work and he will get the milk flow going quickly, Insha'Allah. This is why some women who have a toddler, then a baby have no problem feeding the newborn because the milk flow is already there from the nursing toddler.
So a husband can do his duty and get the milk flow going. If he likes this, that is fine, even better, if not, well engorged breasts hurt and baby needs milk.
And husbands are permitted to do this as it is not the same as a woman breastfeeding a baby, who becomes equivalent to family to her.
Salam Alaikum
I suppose this is not that unusual considering if you open any given fatwa website you will see at least 10 fatawaa with people saying their husband breastfed from them and asking is it haraam/are they mahram lol.
Posted 10 May 2010 - 04:45 PM
Just wanted to ask why your son isn't eating solids yet?
ETA: Sorry, never mind. Just read your other post and realized he was only 5 months old instead of 8.
Edited by Lovin_Niqaab, 10 May 2010 - 04:49 PM.
#13 Guest_musaafirah_*
Posted 10 May 2010 - 05:45 PM
Sis Loving_niqaab, he is 8 months old actually. He is not eating solids because he doesn't want to LOL. He is not interested no matter how many ways I try it to get him to eat it. The only thing he will eat and not gag/choke/spit out or just refuse is YoBaby yogurt subhanaallah. I am not giving him solids atm because I know its not a big deal till they are 1 year old (food is for fun till their 1) and he is gaining well and nutritionally fine. I asked the doctor if it was ok for me to delay solids longer even at this age (8 months) if he is refusing it and not interested in eating that food and the doctor said it was fine as long as he is being breastfed well and gains weight, alhamdulilah.
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